Organic Gardening – Healthy Food for Your Family

March 16th, 2015 by Loretta Lanphier, NP, BCTN, CN, CH, HHP

Organic Gardening – Healthy Food for Your Family

At this stage in history, we face many issues regarding securing unadulterated, nutritious foods for ourselves and our families. Finding non-GMO, organic healthy food at most local grocery stores is challenging. Commercial farming practices are now producing pseudo foods that are often tasteless, stripped of nutrients, and poisoned with toxic chemicals and genetic mutations. And food supplies seem to be dwindling. One of the best ways to overcome these challenges is to grow your own organic fruits and vegetables using organic gardening principles. This can be done whether you live in the city, suburbs, or a rural area.

What is organic gardening? In a nutshell, organic gardening is the growing of fruit, vegetables, and other plants using only organic, non-GMO seeds, organic fertilizers, pest control techniques, and other organisms and materials that are exclusively found naturally in the environment. In other words, no synthetic chemicals or toxins are used in the production of organic crops.

What Are the Advantages of Organic Gardening?

First, let’s start with a definition: What is organic gardening? In a nutshell, organic gardening is growing fruit, vegetables, and other plants using only organic, non-GMO seeds, organic fertilizers, pest control techniques, and other organisms and materials found naturally in the environment. In other words, no synthetic chemicals or toxins are used to produce organic crops.

Organic gardening is the best choice for many reasons. The most obvious reason is that growing your own organic food is the most effective way to consume fresh, nutritious fruits and veggies that provide the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals, and other bioactive phytonutrients to your body. You will not expose yourself to toxins used in the growth process (pesticides, insecticides) and those applied to crops after harvest (dyes, waxes, etc.). You also know your food sources and will most likely be eating food that is “in season.”

Another great reason to take up organic gardening is to save money. It is much more economical to grow your own produce than to purchase organic produce from someone else, especially when you get the maximum freshness and nutritional benefits from your own garden. Also, you can pick and use only what you need for that day, thus minimizing waste.

Finally, one of my favorite reasons to practice organic gardening is that you can create a tradition with your children and grandchildren by passing on a love of gardening and healthy food to them. The harvest is sweet when you can pick and immediately consume delicious fruits (and veggies) due to your own labor.

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Excellent Pointers on Organic Gardening

It’s possible to grow enough organic produce for your family no matter where you live. You can make a plot in your yard, or if you live in an apartment in the city, you can take up container gardening on a porch or patio. It’s beyond this article’s scope to cover all the details, but many great resources are available on all phases of organic gardening. The first step is determining how much space you will need for the number of crops you desire. One of my favorite books is Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. You can preview this book at


Organic gardening will not produce great results without water. Yet, most gardeners don’t consider the importance of using clean, pure water in their organic garden. Highly chlorinated water can kill microorganisms in the soil that is there to protect the plant and its food source. Chlorine is designed to kill living organisms such as fungi and bacteria contaminating your water source. It does such a great job of killing these organisms that it can harm your plants since they rely on some fungi and bacteria to survive. Every plant’s survival is based on its nutrients from water and soil. Healthy soil comprises beneficial bacteria, molds, and various fungi (the things chlorine is designed to kill). Organic farmers and gardeners have known for years that the safest way to protect their plants and the environment from insects, diseases, and pests is through the use of beneficial bacteria. Highly chlorinated water can kill microorganisms in the soil that is there to protect the plant and its food source. As a rule, commercial farmers and horticulturists do not use chlorinated municipal city water to irrigate their crops.

How safe is your garden hose? Ever wonder about that? Most PVC garden hoses contain lead. The excellent news is lead-free garden hoses are available and are constructed from materials approved by the FDA. The fittings are often nickel-plated because brass fittings can also leach lead. They are labeled “drink-safe” or “safe for potable water.” However, with any hose, even ones labeled “drink-safe,” always let the water run before you water your garden. You can also purchase garden hose filters to eliminate chlorine and many chemicals. Type “garden hose filter” into Google, and you will be able to pick the type that best fits your needs and pocketbook.

Natural Pesticide Control

There are about as many home remedies for pest control as gardeners, but one of the most popular and effective ones is introducing friendly insects that prey on harmful pests. Your choices will vary depending on where you live, but some favorites include ladybugs, beetles, spiders, and praying mantises. Some gardeners also spray plants with organic soap diluted with water.

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One of the critical factors is the seeds you choose. These days, all seeds are not created equal. It is vital to use what is known as heirloom seeds. Heirloom seeds mean they are not genetically tampered with, and it also means that you can save seeds from your crops and use them next season. Many seed producers now alter sources so gardeners cannot use them again. Heirloom seeds will also provide you produce with maximum nutritional value.


Making your own compost is an excellent way to provide cost-effective, natural fertilizer and mulch for your garden. You want a combination of brown material (which provides carbon) and green material (a source of nitrogen.) Some suggested browns include corn stalks, straw, dried leaves, and shredded newspaper. Beneficial greens include coffee grounds, vegetable scraps, lawn clippings, green leaves, and tea bags. A few items to avoid in your compost pile include meat or dairy products, bones, treated lumber or sawdust, glossy paper, colored paper, pet droppings, diseased plants, and synthetic chemicals [Certain lawn and garden chemicals (herbicides – pesticides) can withstand the composting process and remain intact in the finished compost].

To keep animals away from your compost pile, tips include fencing and surrounding your garden with items that have a human scent, such as hair or urine.

Manure, Antibiotics & Compost Video

Give Organic Gardening a Try

Once most people give organic gardening a try, they become hooked. Don’t be intimidated if you are a rookie. Embrace the idea, study up, and get started. You will learn more as you begin your garden, and like any other hobby, your skills and knowledge will grow over time. You will soon discover that growing and eating your own organic produce is one of life’s great pleasures.

Loretta Lanphier is a Naturopathic Practitioner, Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Practitioner, and Certified Clinical Herbalist as well as the CEO / Founder of Oasis Advanced Wellness in The Woodlands TX. She has studied and performed extensive research in health science, natural hormone balancing, anti-aging techniques, nutrition, natural medicine, weight loss, herbal remedies, and non-toxic cancer support. She is actively involved in researching new natural health protocols and products. A 21-year stage 3 colon cancer survivor, Loretta can relate to both sides of the health coin as a patient and practitioner regarding health and wellness. “My passion is counseling others about what it takes to keep the whole body healthy using natural and non-toxic methods.” Read Loretta’s health testimony, Cancer: The Path to Healing. Loretta is a Contributor and Editor of the worldwide E-newsletter Advanced Health & Wellness and the formulator of Purely Ageless Skincare
†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace your doctor’s advice. Oasis Advanced Wellness/OAWHealth does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Oasis Advanced Wellness/OAWHealth are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician of choice.










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