Close to 37 million Americans suffer from sinusitis (sinus infections), with 26.9 million adults diagnosed each year. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses commonly known to most of us as sinus infections, for many sinus infections become a chronic health issue that can acutely affect the quality of life. Sinusitis usually occurs when […]
The Relationship of Fungus to Sinus Infections
The Relationship of Fungus to Sinus Infections
Orotates and Mineral Transporters – Fact or Fiction
It is my belief that the best form in which to take mineral supplements like calcium, magnesium, potassium, lithium and zinc is by using orotates. I understand my belief is unpopular with supplement manufacturers, sellers and many practitioners. However, I have seen very good results achieved by using orotates, not only personally but also with […]
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8 Incredible Benefits of Ashwagandha Root for Women’s Health
Women are often on the lookout for natural modalities as well as herbs and supplements that can help with certain health issues without needing to take prescription medications. It’s commonly known among natural health practitioners that using ashwagandha root for women’s health can provide much-needed support for those wanting a more natural approach. The benefits […]