Optimum Wellness Starter Oxygen Colon Cleanse Kit



Optimum Wellness Starter Oxygen Colon Cleanse will help cleanse your small intestine, large intestine, and colon of toxins and impacted fecal matter — in 6 days. The power of oxygen flushes and neutralizes toxins in your digestive tract to support your gut’s colonies of beneficial probiotics. Boost your well-being and refresh your digestive tract with this 6-day program.†

  1. Cleanses the Intestinal Tract
  2. Relieves Digestive Ailments
  3. Boosts the Immune System

†Results may vary.

Optimum Wellness Starter Oxygen Colon Cleanse product page banner 2021

The Optimum Wellness Starter Oxygen Colon Cleanse Kit
contains the following products:

Oxy-Powder® - 1 bottle (60 vegetarian capsules)
[ Read more about Oxy-Powder® ]

Latero-Flora - 1 bottle (60 vegetarian capsules)
[ Read more about Latero-Flora ]

FREE Jump Start to Health & Wellness 101 (PDF)
[ Read more about Jump Start to Health & Wellness 101 ]

What is The Optimum Wellness Colon Cleanse?

The Optimum Wellness Colon Cleanse Kit contains all the products and information you need to complete a full 6-day colon cleanse and still have enough Oxy-Powder® remaining for maintenance.

The Optimum Wellness Colon Cleanse is designed to clean the small intestine, large intestine, and colon of toxins and impacted fecal matter. Oxy-Powder® releases monatomic oxygen directly into the digestive tract to flush and neutralize toxins. Latero-Flora repopulates your gut with beneficial probiotics to support healthy digestion.

Best Reasons For Colon Cleansing†

1. Supports a Healthy Digestive tract.

A clean colon is able to properly absorb water, vitamins, and nutrients while allowing waste to pass easily through the system.

2. Supports Healthy Energy Levels and Well Being.

When the body is full of toxins, it can make you have a "heavy" feeling and can prevent you from feeling your best. Colon cleansing can give you more energy and help you feel better.

3. Boosts your Brain.

Do you experience anxiety, lack of focus, or memory concerns? Many people report that colon cleansing makes a big difference in their mental wellness.

4. Boosts Skin Health.

The skin is your largest organ and, like any other organ, can literally "clog up" while trying to eliminate toxins. Healthy, glowing skin is able to eliminate toxins and colon cleansing can help.

5. Helps to Stop Health Concerns Before They Start.

Chronic and degenerative health concerns are linked to toxin accumulation in the body. When you minimize your toxin intake, you're supporting your body's natural defenses.

The More You Know: Statistics about the Colon

  • The colon is exposed to the total combined waste from your body's other systems.
  • Toxins absorbed by the colon may lead to diseases and disorders.
  • 70% of your immune system is in your gut.
  • Every foot of the colon can store five to ten pounds of feces.
  • Herbal laxatives and colon cleansers can be harmful to your digestive tract.
  • Your bloodstream is only as clean as your colon.
  • Every neurotransmitter found in the brain is also found in the digestive system.
  • Ingestion to elimination should take approximately 18 hours, but most people have bowel movements only every 36 hours.

Health Benefits of Performing The Optimum Wellness Colon Cleanse

  • Gently and effectively cleanses your intestinal tract of toxins.
  • Cleanses with safe and gentle oxygen, not harmful herbs or addictive laxatives.
  • Backed by a 100% satisfaction, 30-day money-back guarantee.
  • Will not interrupt your daily schedule.
  • Easy to swallow vegetarian capsules.
  • Cleanses the entire digestive tract while you sleep.
  • Maintains intestinal unity by promoting friendly and healthy probiotic growth.

†Results may vary.

Oxy-Powder® (60 capsules) - 1 Bottle

Oxy-Powder® is a premium, oxygen-based colon cleanser containing ozonated and stabilized compounds that release beneficial free monatomic oxygen into the intestinal tract and body. The time-released delivery ensures Oxy-Powder® will provide a continuous supply of oxygen, slowly, for better utilization by the body. Oxy-Powder® is non-toxic, safe, effective, and non-allergenic. Oxy-Powder® can help you melt away compaction safely and effectively! Learn More

Latero-Flora™ - 1 Bottle

Latero-Flora™ (B.O.D.™ strain) will help populate your intestines with beneficial flora to help maintain a healthy colon. Individuals, doctors, clinics, and healthcare professionals have praised this product and recommended it to their friends, family, and clients. Learn More

Jump Start to Health & Wellness 101 E-Book (PDF)

Naturopathic practitioner, Loretta Lanphier has compiled her knowledge to help those with the question "What can I implement 'now; in order to begin my path to health and wellness?" Jump Start to Health & Wellness 101 gives you eleven Health Habits that you can implement quickly, thereby, experiencing results quickly. Once implemented, we suggest that you "graduate" to the Optimum Health Strategies Ebook for in-depth instruction about getting healthy and staying healthy. Learn More

 Optimum Wellness Starter Oxygen Colon Cleanse Instructions

Below is the pdf link for full instructions. Please download before beginning your cleanse.

Optimum Wellness Starter Oxygen Colon Cleanse Instructions


Maintenance: Keeping Your Digestive Tract Cleansed & Healthy

For maintenance, use the same dosage of Oxy-Powder® from your Optimum Wellness Starter Oxygen Cleanse that allowed you to have 3-5 bowel movements daily. Take this dosage 2-3 times weekly.  Oxy-Powder® is not habit-forming, so you can continue to get the benefits of oxygen-based cleansing without concern. Continue consuming an organic and healthy diet and beverages.

Why Do I Feel Worse Than When I Started?

Some people may experience what is called a "healing crisis." This is a common experience that may occur, causing individuals to actually feel worse, during, or after cleansing than they did before starting the cleanse. Toxic waste and matter must always be processed before it is removed from the body. This processing may bring on physical symptoms as the body is working to remove the toxins. Common "healing crisis" symptoms include tiredness, headache, loss of energy, sinus congestion, mild rash, mental fogginess, joint or muscle aches, irritability, insomnia, or mood swings. While multiple symptoms may be experienced, the fact is that most people will find the symptoms short-lived or no symptoms at all. Healing Crisis symptoms are always temporary and will usually subside within 1-14 days as the digestive tract naturally begins to achieve balance. If a "healing crisis" is experienced, it is best to up your water intake and allow the body the time it needs for proper elimination. Rest and patience are the keys!

Note: Oxy-Powder® causes watery and gaseous stools, which could cause you to feel the urge to pass gas. If you are not able to control your bowels, please be careful when using this product. Avoid or minimize: straining during bowel movements; hot and spicy or acidic foods; soft drinks and "junk" foods; as well as, dairy and processed grains (white flour, white rice, etc.). The water/gaseous stools are not clinical diarrhea but a by-product of oxidation. Remember, we are turning solids into liquid and gas.

†Results may vary.

These answers are provided to the best of our knowledge. It is difficult to tell someone exactly when their bowel is
going to be clean without knowing the individual’s personal health history and what kind of dietary habits they
might have. A lot of factors may affect the way the bowel functions: age, environment, types of beverages you drink, diet history, emotions/stresses in life, ability of the body to produce enzymes, hydrochloric acid levels in the body and the degeneration of nerves in the bowel area that are used to constrict the bowel musculature.†

1. What is Oxy-Powder®?

Oxy-Powder® is a combination of powdered magnesium oxide compounds which have been ozonated and stabilized to release mono-atomic or nascent oxygen over 12 hours or more. The timed release ensures that Oxy-Powder® will provide a sufficient amount of oxygen, slowly, for better utilization. When considering an oxygen cleansing product, there are many from which to choose. When looking for a high-quality oxygen cleanser, the following should be considered: Does the product actually release Oxygen? Laboratory tests on Oxy-Powder® ensure product integrity, quality control, and consistent oxygen release. To provide a stable environment for oxygen atoms, they must be bound to a stabilizing compound. It is crucial to choose an oxygen product that has stabilizers that provide a stable environment and allow for a controlled release of oxygen.

2. What is stabilized oxygen?

Stabilized oxygen is a non-technical term referring to a compound containing oxygen atoms that are stabilized with buffers so that the product can be bottled without the oxygen being released before it is needed. The result is a stable environment of oxygen, which can be taken as a dietary supplement.

3. How should Oxy-Powder® be used?

Cleansing: Oxy-Powder® can be used as a total digestive tract cleansing agent or to relieve the symptoms of constipation. Start by taking four (4) capsules in the evening on an empty stomach with a full 8 oz. glass of purified water. If you do not achieve 3-5 bowel movements the following day, you will then increase the dosage by adding 1-2 capsules every night until you reach 3-5 bowel movements the following day. Once you find your dosage, this is day one (1) of the 7-10 day cleanse. You will stay on this dosage for 7-10 consecutive days. After the 7-10 day cleanse, take the maintenance dose as directed. You will want to start slowly and gradually progress with the dosage.

Maintenance: Use the same dosage you used for your 7-10 day cleanse every other evening. This can be taken indefinitely without becoming habit forming or harmful to the body.

Daily Schedule: Recommended for those who need quick relief from occasional constipation, are unable to take Oxy-Powder® at night or experience frequent trips to the bathroom during the night.

2-3 capsules of Oxy-Powder® 30 minutes before Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.


  • We suggest drinking lots of pure water. This is not only healthy for the body but will aid the body in eliminating toxins from the bowel at a faster rate. ½ your total body weight in ounces of clean water, daily.
  • Oxy-Powder® works with your own body’s HCL (stomach acid); if your level of HCL is below normal, it may hinder the effectiveness of
    the Oxy-Powder®. Squeezing an organic lemon wedge into the 8 oz. glass of purified water taken with Oxy-Powder® in the evening is suggested.

4. Does one need to follow any particular diet while taking Oxy-Powder®?

Yes. Eat a healthy live food diet. Also, increase the amount of water you drink (see Question 3). Avoid any carbonated and/or sugared beverages, caffeine, and alcohol. Considerably reduce or eliminate your intake of sugar, fried foods, white flour, dairy, etc. Our recommended diet is fresh fruit in the morning, a salad, and a carbohydrate source for lunch, and organic vegetables, salad, and low protein meal for dinner. The full, complete diet plan is available in our e-book, Optimum Health Strategies...Doing What Works.

5. Will I be able to go to work while performing the Oxy-Powder® cleanse?

Most people like to begin the 7-10 Day Cleanse on a Friday evening or during a time when they have several days off from their regular routine.
This way you will more likely have complete access to a bathroom and will have a few days to determine how your body reacts to Oxy-Powder®. Continuing the digestive tract cleanse should be manageable as long as you have a restroom nearby at work or school. If you are going to the bathroom 5-7 times a day or more, you can reduce the daily dosage by 1-2 capsules.

6. Is Oxy-Powder® a powder or capsule?

Oxy-Powder® is available in capsule form. The capsules are kosher certified vegetarian.

7. How will I know when my bowels are clean?

We suggest that you go by bowel activity. You will know by the color, consistency, and frequency. As the intestinal tract is becoming clean, the color of the bowel movement should be much lighter, and travel time should be less. You should also be experiencing more frequent, healthy, soft, and smoother bowel movements. Over time you should have a decrease in foul-smelling bowel movements. A normal and healthy bowel moves promptly, is a lighter color of brown, and is smooth and slick in form.

Also, realize that everyone is different depending on diet, exercise patterns, age, as well as physical and emotional stress levels. Frequent stools will begin to stop as the digestive tract frees itself from toxins. The stools may still continue to be loose or semi-solid due to the oxidation process. At this point, the nascent oxygen will be available for the body to absorb through the capillary walls in the intestinal lining, thereby aiding the body in the purification of the blood, organs, and lymph system. To ensure that you continue to stay completely clean, you would have to eat only live foods such as raw fruits and vegetables and continue to eliminate the intake of all toxins in the body. Because the Standard American Diet (SAD) is so void of proper nutrition, we believe that you will continually have to cleanse and keep the whole intestinal lining clean. Therefore, a continued maintenance dose every other evening is highly recommended.

8. Will Oxy-Powder® encourage weight loss?

Possibly, but this is not a product intended for weight loss. Some people have reported weight loss from the use of products like Oxy-Powder®. However, this is not fat loss, as some companies are suggesting, but is due to the elimination of stored hard-compacted fecal matter throughout the whole length of the intestinal tract. We do not recommend Oxy-Powder® for weight loss.

9. How long should I continue to take Oxy-Powder® after the initial cleanse?

We recommend you continue on Oxy-Powder® maintenance for the rest of your life. There have been many studies indicating that a great number of diseases start in the intestinal lining and colon. It is incredibly beneficial to continue the maintenance dosage every other day after the initial cleanse to maintain a healthy bowel. With the poor choice of foods we have today, it is a good idea to always keep the intestinal lining and colon clean. Finally, the amount of oxygen in the air we breathe has been declining steadily over time. This means everybody on the planet is oxygen deficient. We recommend continuing Oxy-Powder® to help keep the digestive clean and to supply the body with much-needed oxygen.

10. How often should I perform an Oxy-Powder® cleanse?

This depends on what your diet consists of, your symptoms, and how you feel. If you experience constipation, headaches, mood swings, decreased energy levels, emotional stress, are overweight, and if you are not exercising 3x’s/weekly, then it is recommended to repeat the cleanse once every two weeks or one month for at least 4-6 months. Once you begin the maintenance dose and as long as you are eating healthy, you should then cleanse once every 6 months.

11. What ingredients are in Oxy-Powder®?

Oxy-Powder® is a scientifically formulated product consisting of complex oxides and peroxides of magnesium stabilized with ozone and oxygen at high pressure and low temperature to ensure that the oxygen attaches and remains stable to the oxide molecules. Oxy-Powder® is designed to release oxygen slowly when activated by the hydrochloric acid in your stomach and citric acid contained in the capsule. Oxy-Powder® is safe and non-toxic. Oxy-Powder® contains no calories or carbohydrates.

12. What makes Oxy-Powder® different from other colon cleansers?

First of all, it can clean the entire 25-30 feet of the digestive tract from the small intestine all the way through the colon. It does not only clean the colon but the entire digestive tract. Ocy-Powder® is designed to clean, oxidize, and reduce the amount of impaction and hard fecal matter in the small intestine, large intestine, and colon. Other cleansers focus on just the colon and stimulate mucous production instead of breaking down hard fecal matter. As a total digestive tract cleanser, it provides oxygen into the bloodstream and bowel and does so in a natural and non-toxic way. Many of the newer oxygen-based cleansers also contain vitamin C, which is an ANTI-oxidant and, therefore, will reduce the effectiveness of any oxygen release. Other cleansers add ingredients that, at first glance, look like a better product. Still, in reality, they are only adding expensive ingredients in very small, possibly un-useable amounts, which in return causes the price of the product to be more expensive than it needs to be. Our philosophy is to keep Oxy-Powder® a scientifically formulated and clinically proven formula -- Simple, Safe, and Effective.

13. Is Oxy-Powder® habit forming?

The bowel will not become dependent on Oxy-Powder® unless you have experienced previous bowel surgery, bowel muscle dysfunction, or permanently damaged bowels resulting from Hirschsprung’s disease. With Hirschsprung’s disease, the nerves going to the bowel have been permanently damaged or destroyed. It is possibly a very common disease affecting millions of people, however, conventional doctors usually do not diagnose it. It is our belief that chronic constipation, stress, depression, lack of exercise and a poor diet can cause permanent damage to nerves in the bowel by making the bowel sluggish, although there is no current scientific evidence to support our theory. In some cases, it might seem Oxy-Powder® is habit-forming, but we believe this is because the individual already has a pre-existing, undiagnosed bowel dysfunction.

14. I am experiencing loose stool. Is this diarrhea?

Oxy-Powder® will cause watery, gaseous stools. This is not clinical diarrhea; this is the by-product of oxidation. The causes of diarrhea are usually temporary health concerns such as an infection or virus, or chronic problems such as an intestinal disease. A few of the more common causes of diarrhea are:

  • Bacterial infections transmitted through contaminated water or food including Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia coli, viral infections, rotavirus, Norwalk virus, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, and viral hepatitis
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Parasites such as Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, and Cryptosporidium
  • Reactions to prescription medications, such as antibiotics and blood pressure medications
  • Intestinal diseases, like inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease

Remember we are turning a solid into a liquid or gas. To help the cleansing process, it is advised to drink half of your body weight in ounces of purified water daily while using Oxy-Powder® even though there has never been a documented case of dehydration or electrolyte imbalance. To figure out your body weight in ounces, please divide your body weight by 2. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds divided by 2 = 70 ounces in pure water.

15. Am I going to be in the bathroom all day?

For the first few days, depending on your weight and how many capsules you take, you may need to be close to the bathroom. If you are experiencing more than 7 bowel movements daily, then we suggest reducing the dosage by 1-2 capsules daily until you are experiencing 3-5 bowel movements daily. Some people have a good amount of compacted fecal matter and may not have a bowel movement until the 2nd or 3rd day. This is quite normal. Please give Oxy-Powder® a minimum of 5-7 days to do its job. Each person’s experience will be different. This is all part of the cleansing process.

16. Will Oxy-Powder® cause dehydration?

To our knowledge, there has never been a case of dehydration or an electrolyte deficiency while using Oxy-Powder®. We do, however, recommend drinking half of your body weight in ounces of purified water daily while taking Oxy-Powder® to help flush the oxidized toxins out of the bowel. This will help hydrate the body and help with the release of toxic substances. It might seem like you have diarrhea, but this is just the hard matter which has been reduced to a liquid form.

17. What symptoms might I experience while taking Oxy-Powder®?

You may experience watery, gaseous stools, bowel sounds or gurgling, or some temporary stomach or bowel cramping due to the gas build-up while taking Oxy-Powder®. If you experience cramping for more than two days, then switch to the daily schedule, which is two-three capsules 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You may increase or decrease the dosage as necessary. Other side-effects may include mild headaches or temporary joint pain. All will resolve as soon as the toxins are expelled from the body.

If you are experiencing bouts of constipation, bloating, or gas then you may also be suffering from the symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome, an over-growth of yeast or non-beneficial intestinal parasites or microbes.

Oxy-Powder® releases monatomic oxygen, which has been shown in lab tests to kill forms of fungus, yeast, and bacteria. The oxidation of the compacted toxic material along with the possible deaths of harmful micro-organisms, yeast, and fungus from the monatomic oxygen can be absorbed back into the bloodstream through tiny holes (resulting from years of damage) in the intestinal lining. This may cause you to experience temporary cramping, draining sinuses, fatigue, skin eruptions, and insomnia. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please give Oxy-Powder® thirty days to help balance your intestinal system.

18. Is Oxy-Powder® safe to use while pregnant or nursing?

Please do not use Oxy-Powder® during the first trimester. After the first trimester, please consult with your health care practitioner before using Oxy-Powder® during pregnancy or while nursing. Most doctors feel comfortable recommending Oxy-Powder® to their pregnant and nursing patients, but in a reduced dosage, they will help you determine.

Generally, the recommended dose is half of the suggested dose. In some cases, taking Oxy-Powder® while breastfeeding may have caused the baby’s stool to become loose. If this happens, the mother should reduce her dosage until the baby’s stool returns to normal.

19. Does Oxy-Powder® work the same way as milk of magnesia, magnesium laxatives, or Epsom Salts?

First of all, dietary magnesium is NOT the active ingredient in Oxy-Powder®. Oxy-Powder® contains ozonated magnesium oxide and natural citric acid. Milk of magnesia is magnesium hydroxide which is a saline type laxative. The magnesia acts to pull salts or a saline solution into the intestines from the blood. This excessive fluid from your blood then provides a flushing action within the intestines. Oxy-Powder® does
not cause any salt or water to be lost from the body. Products like milk of magnesia that actually pull salts out can possibly cause a loss of sodium, resulting in an electrolyte deficiency. Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate and is used as a laxative. It’s better to use than milk of magnesia and does not have as many side effects.

Epsom salts, however, do not rid the bowel of hard compacted fecal matter and do not provide any monatomic oxygen to the bowel. Magnesium Oxide (MgO) is not designed to be a source of bio-available (available for the body to use) dietary magnesium. The following situations could increase the bioavailability of MgO in Oxy-Powder®:

  1. The quantity ingested must be so low, say 25 to 50 mg or so that it has little or no effect on stomach pH, allowing for a complete conversion into a magnesium salt of the stomach acids. This is why magnesium citrate is more readily absorbed. The citrate salt is similar to the type of magnesium salt that can be formed by small quantities of MgO in the stomach. If taken in quantities of 500 mg or so, MgO will have an antacid effect which will not allow the conversion of the salt to proceed. Since Oxy-Powder® has a generous excess of oxygen, it is less likely that there can be much, if any, conversion to any form of organic salt. This should be the case even under the most acidic of conditions found in the gastrointestinal tract until all of the monatomic oxygen has dissipated.
  2. Magnesium oxide taken in fairly low quantities, under 300 mg, and taken with large quantities of niacin in the form of nicotinic acid, and with amino acids, especially L-Carnitine, can become bio-available. The niacin, together with the amino acids, through a rather complex enzyme assisted series, results in a reaction that can enhance the bioavailability of many minerals, including magnesium. This combination can even help carry minerals across the blood-brain barrier. Here again, with the excess oxygen produced by Oxy-Powder®, it is questionable whether or not such a conversion could actually take place. This means very little if any magnesium would be absorbed by the body. Vitamin D may also increase the absorption rate of MgO.
  3. Magnesium oxide taken with a large meal can result in hundreds of reactions with some of them creating magnesium salts, some of which could possibly be absorbed by the body. Even then, most of the Oxy-Powder® is not truly bio-available; it usually ends up in the urine. MgO, even when taken with food, showed no meaningful change because the kidneys filter MgO out of the plasma. The true test for bio-availability is a blood test measuring erythrocyte Mg concentration, not plasma concentration.

20. I have found that if I forget or skip my capsules one day, I have difficulty having a bowel movement. Is this product really safe for continuous use?

Oxy-Powder® will not cause bowel dependence, but if a pre-existing bowel dysfunction is present, then it may seem as though Oxy-Powder® is continually needed. What is happening is that Oxy-Powder® is actually helping the bowel to do a job which previously it has been unable to do. This should not be termed as dependence, but actually giving needed help to the intestinal system to rid itself of harmful toxins and compaction, thereby reducing the load that the already dysfunctional intestinal tract has to handle. All of the contents in Oxy-Powder® have been approved for human consumption for years, and the by-product is oxygen, which we know is harmless. Some people have been on Oxy-Powder® continuously for 7 years or more and they are very healthy. There are a lot of causes of chronic constipation, and the damages caused by chronic constipation can sometimes be very hard to repair. A permanently damaged bowel is called Hirschsprung’s disease - which means the nerves going to the bowel have been permanently damaged or destroyed. It is a very common disease affecting millions of people, however, conventional doctors do not diagnose it.

Other causes of nerve damage and constipation in the bowel are:

Iron supplements
Low Thyroid Hormones
Kidney malfunction
Cough Syrup
Heart Medication
Calcium Carbonate Supplements – TUMS, etc.

21. My bowel movements are still semi-solid / solid; I am not having the watery movements mentioned in all the information listed on your site. Is there something else I could be doing?

Oxy-Powder® works with the body’s own HCL or Hydrochloric acid in the stomach. If you have low levels of HCL in the body, then the effectiveness of the Oxy-Powder® could be hindered. We recommend that you use a quarter wedge of an organic lemon squeezed into the purified water you are drinking at night with Oxy-Powder®. This will give the body enough extra acid to facilitate the Oxy-Powder® and make it much more effective. If after doing this, you do not see results then switch to the daily Oxy-Powder® schedule consisting of 2-3 capsules or more 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner along with the lemon water and 30 minutes of daily brisk walking. Sometimes people may have a very narrow section in the bowel, a bowel loop or some form of constriction, so by switching to a daily schedule, the gravity will help move the compaction down to the colon.

22. I am not having bowel movements on the days that I am not taking Oxy-Powder®. Should I take Oxy-Powder® every day?

Oxy-Powder® is safe to use every day although, we recommend taking the product every other day. The bowel muscle is like any other muscle in the body and needs to be exercised. This happens through the body recognizing the urge to eliminate. When you are constipated, your body is not recognizing that urge. This will allow, with time, the elimination of fecal matter on the days you are not taking the Oxy-Powder®. We want to not only help you with your constipation issues but also help you learn to eliminate on your own. Again, keep in mind this will be different with those already battling bowel disorders.

23. Can I give Oxy-Powder® to my children?

Parents should consult their physician regarding the use of any dietary supplement by their children.

24. Can Oxy-Powder® be taken while using prescription medications?

As far as we know there are no contraindications when taking Oxy-Powder® with prescription meds as long as the Oxy-Powder® is taken 6 hours before or 6 hours after the medicine. It is always best to check with your healthcare professional before adding any supplement to your regimen.

25. Will Oxy-Powder® rid the body of mucoid plaque? Many people talk about this when using other cleansers.

There’s a lot of controversy regarding mucoid plaque. MP is not a recognized medical diagnosis, nor is it a scientific term in any medical manual. This does not mean that it doesn’t exist. However, clinically, we have not seen this while using Oxy-Powder®.

We don’t mention MP on our websites. Instead, we use the term “compacted fecal matter,” which Oxy-Powder® will dissolve and eliminate.

As far as the color of your bowel movements, this can vary from person to person. The color and consistency of stools can be affected by stress, dietary habits, exercise, and alcohol or caffeine consumption. The important thing is the regularity of your bowel movements, not the color.

Please keep in mind that testimonials are based on individual experiences. Your experience will not always be the same as someone else’s and should never be used as a guideline.

26. Should I take Oxy-Powder® with bentonite clay, psyllium, or other forms of fiber, so that I can make sure everything gets cleaned out?

A number of individuals have reported using Oxy-Powder® in conjunction with Bentonite and Psyllium supplements and have achieved good results, but that doesn’t mean those other substances made Oxy-Powder® more effective or that they are harmless. Fiber is a necessary part of the diet and if you’re not receiving enough fiber from the foods that you’re eating, we agree some additional form of fiber would be beneficial. The Editors of this site strongly advise against taking Psyllium or any herbal based fiber supplement.

The best way to obtain additional dietary fiber, which is what you want, is simply to include more fibrous foods in your meals. High fiber foods include: whole wheat (unprocessed) bread and pasta, green leafy vegetables, unsalted nuts and grains, fresh fruit and raisins, beans, lentils, and unbleached brown rice.

However, from our observations and in actual clinical trials, Oxy-Powder® has demonstrated it can assist the body unaided by helping the colon purge toxins and heavy metals and by promoting an unwelcoming environment for harmful bacteria within the digestive tract.

Oxy-Powder® doesn’t need any help to do what it does other than having you drink purified water or adding a little lemon juice to the same if your stomach pH isn’t acidic enough.

27. I have IBS and notice undigested food particles in my stool, even when taking Oxy-Powder®. Shouldn’t Oxy-Powder® be melting this also?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common digestive disorders, affecting 1 out of every 5 adults in the world today. IBS is also called intestinal neurosis, mucus colitis, spastic colitis, or spastic colon. With IBS, the normal contractions of the bowel become irregular and uncoordinated, thus interfering with the normal movement of food and waste material. With IBS, you can experience an accumulation of toxins and mucus in the intestines, which can partially obstruct the bowel thereby, causing bloating, distention, and constipation.

IBS can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the rectum. It′s commonly suggested that IBS is caused by a bacteria (candidiasis) or a virus as well as stress and food allergies, however, it must be noted there are many causes of IBS. Malabsorption and malnutrition are also associated with IBS. The undigested food particles you are seeing are most likely the result of the IBS.

In most cases, if addressed with a healthful diet centered on the consumption of raw vegetables and fruits, purified water, organic wheat bread, and bereft of fatty meats, sugary sweets, and salty snacks, with plenty of regular exercise, and by taking advantage of a quality colon cleanser like Oxy-Powder®, the symptoms can be managed proactively so you can enjoy a normal lifestyle. We do recommend Latero-Flora to help replace the good flora and bacteria.

28. What other supplementation should I take with Oxy-Powder®?

We recommend taking Paratrex which will aid the body in the elimination of any parasites. We also recommend Latero-Flora. Because of people’s continual food abuse it’s always good to reintroduce the good bacteria into the bowel. For total digestive tract cleansing, we have seen the best results with Oxy-Powder®, Latero-Flora, and the Paratrex.

29. I have internal or external hemorrhoids. Can I use Oxy-Powder®?

If you have an active case of hemorrhoids that are inflamed, you will want to wait until the inflammation goes down. We also recommend that you apply Oxy-Balm which usually reduces the itching, burning, and inflammation. When the swelling is down and pain is gone, then start back on half-doses of Oxy-Powder®. Please be aware that if you have a history of internal or external hemorrhoids or prolapsed hemorrhoids, we recommend that you begin slowly with Oxy-Powder® and realize that the toxic residue that is produced is very acidic in nature and can cause inflammation, pain, and swelling.

30. Will Oxy-Powder® help with candida?

Oxy-Powder® is specifically designed to both help clean and provide oxygen to the bowel. This supports the natural probiotic bacterial strains helping your digestive system process food. By using Latero-Flora™ in conjunction with Oxy-Powder®, you can help create an even less hospitable environment for harmful microorganisms like candida. Oxy-Powder® can help your body re-balance its internal environment within normal levels. A healthy digestive system is naturally unwelcoming to unwanted bacteria, yeast, and harmful invading organisms of all kinds.

31. Can Oxy-Powder® be used while fasting?

There are many different types of fasts that one could do and you can use Oxy-Powder® during a fast that contains juices or food. We do NOT recommend the use of Oxy-Powder® while doing water-only fasting and no-food fast.

32. I have a hard time swallowing the Oxy-Powder® capsules. What can I do?

You can pour contents of the capsule into purified water. This does not mix well and can cake a bit when mixing the two. It is not recommended to mix Oxy-Powder® with anything else.

33. I have Celiac disease and am gluten intolerant. Is Oxy-Powder® safe for me to take?

Oxy-Powder® is gluten-free and should not cause an adverse reaction in people with gluten sensitivities.

34. How is it possible to liquefy impacted material from the colon without also liquefying food that is not fully digested?

Good question. This is exactly the reason we recommend taking the product at night on an empty stomach so there will not be a large amount of undigested food. Oxy-Powder® will liquefy undigested foods, but the whole point is to clean the lining and provide oxygen to the intestinal cells so they can breathe again and work better to absorb vital nutrients in the future. The nutrients in food are absorbed from the food itself very rapidly in the upper part of the duodenum, the leftover food particles including the toxins are what is left and get liquefied or neutralized. This is why people will not experience malnutrition, especially after the 7-10 day cleanse.

35. Does Oxy-Powder® become less effective or stop working for some people?

It is sometimes the case with supplements, drugs, and various treatments that the body adapts to them and begins to respond differently.

Oxy-Powder® works two different ways; by oxidizing the compacted fecal in the intestines and the magnesium will cause a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles around the bowels. The process of oxidation is one that occurs throughout the body and throughout all of nature. This direct interaction between the oxygen that is released from Oxy-Powder® and matter compacted in the bowel is one that will not change. Now,
having said all of that, it doesn’t mean that your body won’t respond differently because of the particular situation or physical condition that you may find yourself in on any given day or period of time. There are numerous factors that can affect your elimination, your digestion, your emotional state, your sleep patterns, and various other bodily functions. These factors also change the effectiveness of Oxy-Powder® because they can alter the efficiency with which you process the food that you consume, the type of communication that your nervous system has with the bowel, as well as daily patterns and habits. Following is at least a partial list of some of the factors that may affect an individual’s response to Oxy-Powder® even if he or she has taken the product in the past with good results:

  • Stress: This affects the entire body and can restrict all of the “housekeeping” functions, including elimination.
  • Diet: Changing what you eat as well as possibly consuming food that you are allergic to or to which you have an intolerance.
  • Exercise: Regular exercise promotes elimination and can increase the effectiveness of Oxy-Powder® even within a given day.
  • Stomach acid: The reaction that generates oxygen from Oxy-Powder® is dependent on hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Decreased acid due to lack of production or medication can dramatically affect how well it works.
  • Medication: Many medications list constipation as a side effect including blockers, overuse of laxatives, some anti-depressants, some sedatives, many pain medications including narcotics, diuretics, and some tranquilizers. Please keep in mind that this is only a partial list.
  • Low water/fluid intake
  • Travel and disruption of daily habits
  • Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • Pre-existing bowel disease
  • Surgery
  • Low thyroid or other thyroid conditions
  • Vitamin B deficiency
  • Certain iron supplements including many ferrous sulfate supplements.

You may briefly increase your regular dose in order to compensate while you work on identifying that factor(s) that apply to you and then decrease to maintain the 3-5 bowel movements per day.

36. Will Oxy-Powder® help with the acid-alkaline balance of my body?

The overall effect of Oxy-Powder® on the body should be mildly alkalizing. Magnesium compounds are alkaline and natural citric acid raises the alkalinity in the body. However, there may be a temporary rise in the acidity of the bowel itself while cleansing as many of the toxins removed is usually quite acidic. Oxy-Powder® removes this acidic material from the body while helping to prevent re-absorption through the intestinal lining. The ingredients in Oxy-Powder® should not negatively affect the body’s ability to achieve an alkaline state for health.


†Results may vary.


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