I frequently get the question: “Do men need progesterone, too?” The answer is absolutely and here’s why. Progesterone, known as a major endocrine regulator in women, helps to counterbalance the effects of estrogen on the male body. Unfortunately most men are never told that progesterone is a precursor to the male sex hormone, testosterone. So, […]
Men Need Progesterone, Too
Men Need Progesterone, Too
Vegetarian Black Bean Burgers
Push your easy-to-make button and do a happy dance. These irresistibly delicious vegetarian black bean burgers can be made and shaped ahead of time and then cooked when you’re ready to eat. The burgers are tasty and full of nutrient-dense ingredients. Black bean burgers also tic high on the health ruler…shhh…don’t tell your kids. Just […]
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Benefits of Lithium Orotate
What comes to mind when you hear the words prescription lithium? Most people either think “mental illness” or about family/friends who have experienced the often worrisome side effects of pharmaceutical lithium carbonate. We’ve all heard the phrase “the dose makes the poison” and with lithium this is definitely the case. Let’s take a look at […]