Have you ever seen purple potatoes at your local farmers’ market or natural foods store and wondered “who eats purple potatoes?” According to recent research, everyone should probably include purple potatoes in their diet. Current research from Penn State indicates that those purple-fleshed potatoes actually suppress the growth of colon cancer tumors in petri dishes […]
Purple Potatoes Suppress Colon Cancer Stem Cells
Purple Potatoes Suppress Colon Cancer Stem Cells
18 Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender essential oil is currently one of the most used and versatile essential oils in the world. For over 2,500 years medicinal and religious institutions have realized the many benefits of lavender essential oil. It’s fragrance tends to promote calmness for most people and, in fact, many people carry a bottle of lavender with them […]
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Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Recipe
Most of us think of pizza crust in categories such as doughy, crispy, thick crust, thin crust, New York style, Chicago style, etc. You know, those pizza crust choices that are on the menu at most Italian restaurants or the local fast-food pizza joint. This particular gluten-free pizza crust recipe forgoes all those heavily processed carbohydrates and chemical […]