Cancer: Scans and Imaging Tests
“The highlight of the latest cancer news can be summed up in one sentence: Cancers that will not kill you (that is, staying dormant for life or regressing) are very prevalent. And if found in a medical screening, they will almost always be treated aggressively. Today we have highly improved imaging techniques to find cancers. The problem is that many things found in these tests that could be cancer are not. And many, if not most, of the lesions that “could be cancer” are inconsequential. Unfortunately, we have no test that can accurately determine which small fraction of these lesions actually merits aggressive treatment. The sad, dangerous, and often maiming result? Lots of unnecessary aggressive treatment.
“In addition, there is the significant problem of false positives. These are “cancers” detected by imaging or other screening tests that are actually not cancer. According to the British Medical Journal (1/17/04), there are five false cancer diagnoses in healthy women for every one woman whose life is prolonged by early mammogram diagnosis.
“In fact there are huge numbers of “lesions” or suspected cancers found on mammograms and other imaging scans. Certainly many of these are clearly cancer. But most of these would never even have become life threatening or symptomatic had they gone undetected and untreated.
“The perfect example of this is sited in a Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) article entitled “Increasing Incidence of Thyroid Cancer in the US, 1973-2005.” Thee statistics show that thyroid cancer increased by 300% during this period, while deaths from thyroid cancer remained the same–rare, at less than 1,500 deaths annually.
“New ultrasound diagnoses of thyroid nodules shows that they are very prevalent. Autopsies have found thyroid cancer in 36% of all thyroid glands. And when examining extremely think slices of thyroid during an autopsy, many more tiny cancers were found. The conclusion is that when sliced thinly enough virtually everyone has cancer somewhere in their thyroid gland! Yet the death rate remains extremely low–estimated at 1,460 in 2006.
“What Does This All Mean?
It means that imaging tests are getting better and better, and people are having more and more scans. Unfortunately you will have to be responsible for your own safety when it comes to aggressive and potentially deadly treatments. And many of these treatments will be for cancers that will stay dormant for life or regress, or for “cancers” that are not truly cancers at all. Keeping yourself safe from unnecessary procedures following scans or imaging tests is not easy.
“Even recently, a breast mass detected through mammography and then discovered by biopsy to be lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) was aggressively treated as cancer with removal of one or both breasts. It is now known that LCIS is nothing more than a risk factor for women who may develop breast cancer. According to the Annals of Surgical Oncology,” LCIS appears to be an incidental finding on biopsy of mammogram abnormalities.”
“An “incidental finding“? Rather LCIS was breast cancer and now isn’t. Imagine how women who suffered through mastectomies feel now that their “breast cancer” is determined to be just an incidental finding. And LCIS is characteristic of many other “cancers” found by imaging scans. If this relates to you, you need to know two things.
“1. Most lesions and findings detected on imaging tests are either not cancers, or are cancers that are inconsequential. In most of these instances, careful monitoring, watchful waiting, and meaningful testing is the best course of action.
“2. When a true cancer is discovered, it must be completely and thoroughly understood that all cancers are systemic. That means that by the time of diagnosis (early or late), microscopic cancer seeds have been released throughout the body. Most cancer experts feel that even with “early diagnosis,” a cancer has been present for at least five years. Cancer must be treated as systemic no matter if the doctor says the cancer is entirely local, or that they “got it all.” You can survive cancer if your body is strong enough to eradicate the microscopic cancer cells that want to seed in your bones, liver, brain, lungs, or wherever.
“Systemic” Protocols for Cancer
This is why every person who gets cancer must be on a cancer protocol for at least two years following surgery or whatever treatments are used. While an individualized cancer protocol is best, at the very least you can employ two-week liver detoxification protocols, followed by a 4- to 6-month antivirus/antiparasite protocol, followed by another 18 months of an individualized or standard anticancer protocol.
They basically involve eating raw foods, concentrates, and extracts that enhance detoxification, virus and parasite eradication, and anticancer functions in the body. Of course, all of these things cannot be eaten solely, especially some of the raw ones. Fortunately, we are able to consume these phytonutrients and foods in the form of tablets and capsules.
“So, in effect, these protocols involve taking many pills and capsules for 2 years or longer. However, only this type of procedure provides the very best odds of surviving cancer. And by that we do not mean an American Cancer Society 5-year survival time. Rather, true cancer survival means to die from something other than cancer.
And remember to proceed with caution if any kind of “lesion,” “spot,” “nodule,” or any other abnormality is discovered on scans or imaging tests.”
from Health Alert, 100 Wilson Rd., #110, Monterey, CA 93940