Doing a Liver and Gallbladder Flush

Doing a Liver and Gallbladder Flush

 Oasis Advanced Wellness Optimum Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse 

IMPORTANT NOTE BEFORE BEGINNING:  Gallbladder removal means that your liver must work at least 2-times as hard. The OAW Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse is greatly recommended to help support those individuals without gallbladders.  See Dr. Lanphier's article Living Without A Gallbladder for more information.

A healthy liver regulates fat metabolism in the body and is the major fat-burning organ in the body.  A healthy liver not only burns fat, it will also pump excessive fat out of the body through the bile into the gut. If the liver is healthy weight control should not be difficult. However, a fatty liver does the opposite of what it is supposed to do. The fatty liver stores fat when in actuality it should be burning fat and removing excess fat from the body. Literally a fatty liver becomes a storehouse for fat and if allowed to progress for many years it may contribute to severe health and longevity consequences.

The incidence of fatty liver, in the US alone, is 15 to 20% of the population and is much higher in obese individuals.  It also occurs in children. Fatty liver is the most common cause of abnormal liver function tests in the US.

Cleansing the liver & gallbladder is imperative for continued good health and well-being.  After much research and study I have formulated a liver & gallbladder cleanse that is easy and very effective.  I suggest initially performing the following liver and gallbladder cleanse at least 3-4 times with 7-14 days in between each cleanse and then one time with each seasonal change.

I have been asked why I recommend performing the Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse first.   Because the liver is the main filter of the body and because cleansing eliminates lots of toxins I believe that it is prudent to begin with a clean liver (filter) in order to better filter out toxins and not create un-needed overload on the liver.  If you were to flush the air ducts of your home air conditioning system you would not do so with a "dirty" filter.  You would put a clean filter in and then flush so that there would not be a build-up, after the flush you would then put in another clean filter.  It is much the same with the body.  It is also recommended that after performing all initial cleanses, another liver/gallbladder cleanse be performed to make sure that all toxins from cleansing have been removed.

Factors that may put you at risk for gallbladder disease 

  • Age.  If you are over the age of 50 you have a greater chance for gallbladder disease.
  • Gender. Women who are over forty and over-weight make up the population that has the most frequent gallbladder surgery.
  • Hormone replacement therapy. Estrogen stimulates the production of gallstones, so women on synthetic hormone replacement therapy or those who have taken birth control pills for many years sometimes have gall bladder disease.  Estrogen dominance would also contribute to the probability of gallbladder disease.
  • Diet. There is a generally recognized link between a diet high in un-healthy fats, oils and sugar and the likelihood of gall bladder disease. This is the SAD diet that most Americans eat today.
  • Obesity. People who are obese secrete bile that is saturated with cholesterol, making them more likely to develop gallstones.
  • Constipation. Constipation and slow intestinal transit time are linked to the formation of gallstones.

Cleansing the liver and gallbladder will help with the following 

  • Increase energy levels.
  • Detoxification and cleansing of the blood stream.
  • Reduction of inflammation and degenerative diseases.
  • Better immune function.
  • Efficient fat metabolism.
  • Weight control.

For more information about the importance of cleansing the entire digestive tract please reference my article:

Total Body Cleansing 101 .

What You Will Need

  • 1 gallon apple juice (freshly pressed and organic). Distilled water or Wellness Water® may be used if you are allergic to apples or need to watch your sugar intake due to diabetes or you may also mix half Wellness Water® and half organic apple juice.
  • LivaPure™ or Super Phos 30. Use Super Phos 30 for first cleanse ONLY IF you are absolutely sure you have had a recent gallbladder attack.  **See Below.  LivaPure™ contains Wildcrafted Chanca Piedra to help break up stones.  Super Phos 30 contains ortho-phosphoric acid that along with the malic acid in the apple juice, helps to break up stones. 
  • Epsom Salt – Make sure the Epsom Salt is not on sitting on the bottom shelves of the store as it may have been sprayed with pesticides.
  • Organic ingredients for Optimum Wellness Healthy Soup and Optimum Wellness Vegetable Juice Recipes (see below)
  • Organic fruits for breakfast each morning.  Organic grapfruit for olive oil mixture. 
  • Agave Nectar (Madhava raw) or raw honey – 1 teaspoon
  • Organic Olive oil – Extra Virgin  – cold pressed – 6 ounces
  • Mag O7 Vegetarian Capsules – 1 bottle
  • Latero-Flora – 1 bottle
  • Quantum Greens Complete– 1 bottle – mix in Refreshing Vegetable Juice Recipe

Note: While performing the liver and gallbladder cleanse you should still be able to work and carry on your normal daily activities. Pure Vegan Mag O7 can cause watery stools, so it is best to make sure a bathroom is nearby and available. Remember that liquid stools are not diarrhea but the by-product of the Pure Vegan Mag O7 turning solid compacted fecal matter in the digestive tract into a liquid or gas.

Instructions for OAW Optimum Liver / Gallbladder Cleanse

The liver is a key organ of the body, responsible for assisting in digestion, cleaning impurities from the blood and neutralizing toxins. Keeping the liver clean is great way to protect yourself against diseases of the blood and digestive system as well as toxicity-related conditions. 

  • If you have recently been diagnosed with gallstones OR have had recent gallbladder attacks use 1-ounce of Super Phos 30 in the gallon of organic apple juice INSTEAD of LivaPure™.  USE SUPER PHOS 30 FOR THE FIRST CLEANSE ONLY.  For cleanses 2+ replace the Super Phos 30 with LivaPure™.  Be sure to brush your teeth after drinking the juice that contains Super Phos 30 to prevent the acid from damaging your teeth. Eat a low fat diet during the liver flush.
  • Prepare your cleanse formula by adding 1 bottle of LivaPure™ to one gallon of organic apple juice, distilled water or Wellness Water. Shake well and refrigerate.  See above if you have recently experience gallbladder attacks or have been diagnosed with gallstones.
  • Eat a healthy diet of organic, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains and healthy oils for the next four days. For breakfast eat fresh, organic fruits being careful not to mix acid fruits with sweet fruits. Eat melons by themselves. For lunch drink organic fresh vegetable juice and/or have a raw vegetable or sprout salad with a baked potato or brown rice. Do not use bottled dressing. Make fresh dressing using organic-cold-pressed olive oil and lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar and any organic or fresh herbs and spices of your choice. If you are hungry throughout the day, feel free to snack on fresh vegetables or nuts and seeds.  For dinner have another raw, colorful salad, steamed vegetables and an organic protein source.  Try to consume ½ of your body weight in ounces of Dr. Lanphier's Enhanced H20 Formula.

Day 1

30 minutes before breakfast take 2 Latero-Flora. During the day drink four 8-ounce glasses of your cleanse formula between meals. Example: Drink one 8-ounce glass at 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm. Make sure you drink the mixture 1 hour before or after your meals. Drink the mixture in glass, not plastic. Nutritional supplements may be taken. 

Before Bed: Take 4 capsules of Pure VeganMag O7 and 2 capsules of Latero-Flora.

Day 2

30 minutes before breakfast take 2 Latero-Flora. During the day drink four 8-ounce glasses of your cleanse formula between meals. Make sure you drink the mixture 1 hour before or after your meals. Drink the mixture in glass, not plastic. Nutritional supplements may be taken. 

Before Bed: Take 6 capsules of Pure Vegan Mag O7 and 3 capsules of Latero-Flora™.

Day 3

30 minutes before breakfast take 2 Latero-Flora. During the day drink four 8-ounce glasses of your cleanse formula between meals. Make sure you drink the mixture 1 hour before or after your meals. Drink the mixture in glass, not plastic. Nutritional supplements may be taken. 

Before Bed: Take 6 capsules of Pure Vegan Mag O7 and 3 capsules of Latero-Flora™.

Day 4

30 minutes before breakfast take 2 Latero-Flora. During the day drink four 8-ounce glasses of your cleanse formula between meals. Make sure you drink the mixture 1 hour before or after your meals. Drink the mixture in glass, not plastic. Nutritional supplements may be taken. 

Before Bed: Take 6 capsules of Pure Vegan Mag O7 and 3 capsules of Latero-Flora™.

Day 5 – Flush Day

Flush Day. 30 minutes before breakfast take 2 Latero-Flora. It is best that Day 5 fall on Saturday or Sunday or a day in which you can stay home. Do not take any more vitamins or supplements today other that what is recommended in these instuctions.  Relax most of the day and plan to spend the day at home – lie in the sun, read good books, listen to good music and rest.  Eliminate TV and negative media for the day.

7 AM to 8 AM – Breakfast

Eat a healthy breakfast of organic fresh fruit. Fruits that support the liver include watermelon, papaya, kiwi, plums, cherries and figs. Choose only one of the fruits above and eat as much as you like between 7 and 9 am. Do not mix the fruits. If fresh fruits are not available, you may substitute with organic frozen fruit.  Watermelon is the best, if it is available, due to its high glutathione content. Start preparing your Optimum Wellness Healthy Soup for lunch (see the recipe below).

 Optimum Wellness Vegetable Juice

½ organic beet with leaves

¼ organic red cabbage

4 stalks organic celery

Organic broccoli to taste.

8 opened capsules Quantum Greens Complete

Thoroughly wash and clean vegetables.  Juice vegetables and then stir in the contents of 8 capsules of Quantum Greens.  Drink Immediately.

10:00 AM

  Optimum Wellness Vegetable Juice and drink. (See Recipe on side)

12 PM – Healthy Lunch – Soup

For optimum detoxification and cleansing, the Optimum Wellness Healthy Soup contains a combination of vegetables which are high in sulphur and glutathione. Natural sulphur helps the liver to detoxify harmful chemicals and toxins. The combination of vegetables will help the liver flush out toxins during the cleansing process. Other liver and gallbladder detoxifying vegetables which may be added to the soup are artichoke, asparagus, kale, Brussel sprouts, and cauliflower.

 Optimum Wellness Healthy Soup

Skins from 3 large organic potatoes (make sure the skins are cleaned thoroughly)

5 large organic carrots (with skin) chopped

Organic green beans

3 sticks organic celery chopped

2-3 whole organic beats sliced

2-3 peeled and sliced organic onions

10-12 cloves of organic garlic (minced)

½ tsp. Organic Oregano

1 Box Organic Vegetable Broth (must be organic)

Distilled Water – If more liquid needed.

Himalayan Crystal Salt

Thoroughly wash and clean all vegetables. In large soup pot (glass or ceramic), lightly sauté celery, onions and garlic in ½ cup of vegetable broth.  Add box of Vegetable Broth and the rest of the vegetables.  May add distilled water if more liquid is needed.  Bring to boil and simmer for one hour.

Potato Skins – The skins give a great amount of potassium to the soup.  Some people prefer to remove the skins before eating the soup and some like to eat the skins.  Either way is acceptable.

Refrigerate leftover soup in glass containers for use over the next couple of days. 

2 PM – Mid-Afternoon Healthy Snack

Optimum Wellness Vegetable Juice and drink. (See Recipe above)

Now is the time to prepare your olive oil and grapefruit mixture.  Mix 6-ounces of extra virgin, cold-pressed organic olive oil with ¾ cup of freshly squeezed organic grapefruit juice in a glass jar with a lid.  Mixing with grapefruit juice causes an emulsification to take place which makes the oil much easier to consume.  You may also place 1-3 drops of peppermint essential oil in the mixture which will help to soothe the stomach and minimize nausea.  Shake well, place lid on glass and put in fridge.  It is much easier to drink this mixture when it is cold.

4:30 PM

Drink 1-tablespoon of Epsom Salt dissolved in 3-4 ounces of organic, freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. Drink as quickly as possible.

6 PM – Evening Meal

If hungry, eat some organic non-citrus fruit (berries are best) with walnuts mixed with a bit of Agave Nectar (Madhava raw) or raw honey, if desired.

9 PM – 10 PM – Olive Oil/Grapefruit Mixture

Take mixture from fridge (if solid, let set for 20 minutes or until liquefied).  Using a straw which will help the mixture to down easily, drink as quickly as possible. 

  Immediately after drinking the oil and grapefruit mixture, go to bed and lie on your right side with knees drawn up to your stomach for 30 minutes. Afterwards you may stretch out and go to sleep.  You may feel nauseated during the night.  This is due to the release of stored toxins from the gallbladder and liver.  It is normal and an indication that the protocol is working.

If you feel the need to vomit, do not be afraid or concerned as it will help get rid of toxins. If vomiting occurs, it is definitely an indicator that the body is toxic and therefore you should consider repeating the Optimum Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse after a seven day break. Do not take any other supplements during the night.

Day 6

Upon arising in the morning, take 4 capsules of Pure Vegan Mag O7 to help the continual release of toxins and stones. After 30 minutes take 4 Latero-Flora. Wait 45 minutes and then eat a healthy breakfast of organic fruit.  For lunch eat a fresh salad and the remainder of Dr. Lanphier's Healing Soup.  For Dinner eat another colorful salad and an organic protein source.  Take 4 Latero-Flora before bed.

You Are Finished!  Great Job! 

Your liver and gallbladder and beginning to be cleaned.  During Day 6 and for the next few days you should begin to see green and gray stones in your bowel movements.  If you do not experience this during your first cleanse, don't be concerned. I highly recommend performing at least 3-4 back-to-back liver and gallbladder cleanses with a rest period of 7-14 days in between each cleanse.  During the resting period, take 2 Latero-Flora in the mornings and before bed and 3-4 Pure Vegan Mag O7 every 3rd evening (before bed).  After the cleanses are complete, take a daily maintenance dosage of 2 Latero-Flora in mornings and 1 Latero-Flora before bed.

Repeating the Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse

As always, the best results come with repetition. If you are still experiencing symptoms after your third flush, this may be a sign indicating that you need additional cleanses. Some people have actually performed over ten cleanses before symptom relief was obtained. 

Super Phos 30 helps remove calcium and lipids (fats) from the arteries during the liver and gallbladder flush and normalizes cholesterol metabolism. The phosphoric acid working with the Malic acid found in apple juice dissolves and softens gallstones.

Epsom Salt contains magnesium which will helpt to relaxe the sphincter of the gallbladder and bile ducts, allowing for the easy passage of the softened, shrunken stones.

Pure Vegan Mag 07 will clean the intestinal tract of any blockages for easy removal of gallbladder and liver stones. These wastes and stones are then excreted. If you wish to keep any of the stones for analysis, first, clean and dry them, then place them in a freezer bag for storage. Place in the refrigerator, or in the freezer for long-term storage. Examples of actual stones from one of our clients can be seen below.

liver and gallbladder flush

After Cleansing – What to do Next

After completing the Liver/Gallbladder flush, you may begin the Optimum 7-day Oxygen Colon Cleanse with Pure Vegan Mag O7. When you complete the 7 day cleansing portion of this phase, you will begin the maintenance doses below.

Instructions for Latero-Flora Continued Maintenance

Continue to take 2 Latero-Flora every morning 30 minutes before breakfast and 2 Latero-Flora before bed every evening.

Instructions for LivaPure Continued Maintenance

Mix 2 droppers of LivaPure with 4-6 ounces of distilled water or Wellness water and drink before breakfast 2-3 times weekly.

Additional Recommendations for Optimum Health

Diet: Eat a whole food diet. This means that the majority of your diet should consist of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. This type of food tends to contain a greater amount of oxygen, enzymes, and other nutrients without toxic pesticide residue. Also, consider purchasing organic and free-range meat and poultry whenever possible to reduce pesticide, synthetic hormone, and antibiotic contamination.

Water: Drink half your body weight in ounces per day (bodyweight in lbs divided by 2). Drink distilled or otherwise purified water. Do not ever drink tap water. Evaluate the purity of the water that you consume and use for other purposes. Most water contains chlorine, fluoride, and other pollutants. Distilled water is good, a little organic apple cider vinegar adds beneficial minerals, and can easily be purchased at most health food stores. We highly recommend Wellness® filters for ultra-pure, enhanced water. They provide numerous products for almost any water use. For a very beneficial and healthy water we recommend distilled water filtered through the Wellness Water Carafe. The Wellness Water filter will add back minerals that are taken from the distillation process.

Enzymes: Age, illness, poor diet, disease, heredity, and other factors can effect the production of digestive enzymes in the pancreas. In fact, it has been estimated we only have enough enzymes to breakdown 1 cooked meal daily for 120 years. If you currently have digestive disorders or simply want to supply your body with much-needed enzymes, we recommend Trevinol Professional, a potent systemic enzyme to be taken 20 minutes before each meal. For a pancreatic enzyme we recommend UnivaseForte to be taken on an empty stomach.

Lymphatic Drainage: Your lymphatic system provides a drainage path for toxic chemicals. If it is blocked or congested it can affect your health. The lymphatic system also plays an important role in immune system function.  Skin brushing every day and using a mini-trampoline are effective ways to keep the lymph moving.  Instructions are included in our E-Book, Optimum Health Strategies…Doing What Works

Exercise: Incorporate regular exercise into your daily life. Include both aerobic exercise and strength training in your routine. Stretching exercises such as yoga or Pilates are very beneficial. Water (non-chlorinated) aerobics are excellent for people that suffer from joint problems or other debilitating conditions. Exercise supports elimination of toxins from the body. As always, please consult with your physician prior to starting any type of exercise routine.

Air: When working on body health we must take into consideration the purity of the air in our environment. Indoor air pollution is often substantially high due to the fact that most people use toxic products in cleaning and maintaining their homes/offices. We recommend keeping the air clean from pollution and odors by implementing air purifiers that utilize air ionizing technology.

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