Natural Alzheimer’s Therapies
“Since 1952 the medical profession has had the means to reduce or reverse the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.”—Dr Casdorph.
“The Alzheimer’s type of dementia does respond rather well to chelation therapy. Fifteen Alzheimer’s disease patients, in a private clinical setting, were tested first, then administered chelation therapy, and were observed by loved ones to have returned to normal, or near normal, functioning. It was a gratifying experience for everyone involved with the testing and treatment: diagnostitians, clinicians, health care technicians, the patients, plus their family and friends.” —Dr Casdorph, M.D. & Dr Morton Walker (Book: Toxic Metal Syndrome)
“By the time I finished writing Beating Alzheimer’s three other persons in our hometown regained their short term memory following the identical program that reversed my AD. A daughter of a 93-year-old woman wrote that her mother recovered from AD. The daughter used my book as a guide. I am aware of physicians who use my book to help patients regain their short term memory. Several years ago, a physician reversed his own AD and has returned to full time practice. Two nurses reversed schizophrenia. One nurse told me that he felt like he had recovered from general anesthesia. Occasionally someone tells me that I saved his or her life. They also say years, sometimes ten years, are missing from their lives.” —Tom Warren
“We’ve had numerous people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s who got better; they just come out of it; they are leading normal lives today. And then, of course, what the doctors say is it’s not Alzheimer’s. You run into that Catch-22 all the time. They say, well, it was probably just a temporary premature dementia, and they write-off the recovery to preserve their ignorance.”—Dick Shulze, N.D. M.H.
Dr Noades:
1. Eliminate any sources of aluminum exposure: cookware, utensils, foil, underarm deodorants, drinking water,and any juices and drinks packaged in aluminum-lined cartons. Cut out those vitamins as well as bottled waterpackaged in bottles with aluminum across the top.
2. Undergo a brain and body detoxification program, which should include a supervised fast. Now don’t attempt to detoxify on your own. You must have holistic physicians or practitioners who are knowledgeable, competent, and experienced in these practices because if you attempt it on your own, you may come up with some upsetting surprises.
Raw juice therapy helps flush out the toxins and brings an enzyme to the raw nutrients. Colonic irrigation will help clean out the colon of years of accumulated material and help the body function properly. Drinking distilled water, at least in the beginning or for part of the treatment, is also beneficial, along with the use of herbal non caffeinated teas.
3. Have all of your silver, mercury amalgam dental fillings removed from your teeth. Tom Warren, who wrote Beating Alzheimer’s, emphasized the importance of this procedure.
4. Bio-oxidative therapies are very effective in bringing oxygen into the brain to make it able to think. These include oxygen chamber therapy, ozone therapy, and hydrogen peroxide, among others. Also, vitamin E, aerobic exercising, and deep breathing in a relatively pure environment can be helpful. The herb gingko biloba is very beneficial.
5. The antioxidants, which work on the brain, are beneficial: vitamin A, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin, niacinamide, pantothenic acid, pyrodoxine, B12, folic acid, parameicbenzoic acid, biotin, choline and inositol, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin P bioflavinoids (such as quercetin and pignogenol), the sulfur-containing amino acids L-cysteine and L-methionine, and the enzymes such as co-enzyme Q10.
6. EDTA chelation therapy, done intravenously, is very good for removing the heavy toxic metals, which include lead, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, copper, iron, mercury, and aluminum. Despherioximine works well, specifically as an aluminum-chelating agent.
7. Homeopathic remedies will also remove aluminum from the body and the brain. Then you have to take orthomolecular nutritional therapy, intravenously or with intramuscular shots, along with oral supplements of all thenutrients.
8. The clinical ecologists have made a major contribution to treating people with Alzhleimer’s disease by recommending that you have a food-rotation diet–in which you eat a variety of foods and no one food more than once or twice a week–thus eliminating the food allergens to which you are generally addicted. You should also eliminate alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, sugar, and foods that are refined, processed, or filled with chemicals and artificial color dyes, and replace them with natural, organically grown wholesome and whole foods.
9. Biomagnetic and electromagnetic pulse therapies are also helpful. Biofeedback, acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, and ear or auricular therapy can also be tried.
10. There are other nutrient substances that help the brain: An Israeli lecithin substance, AL721, which was originally used to give energy and reduce cholesterol in elderly people, and also was used to combat HIV and AIDS, also helps the brain.
You might try Dr. Ana Aslan’s treatment called Gerovital (GH3) and live cell therapy, which is illegal in America, but there are places outside that use this therapy. Also take super-triple-phosphotidycholine.
There are supplement companies that manufacture brain formulas, which are composed of various amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Niacin is helpful because it opens up the blood vessels and brings nutrients, blood, and oxygen to the brain. Mineral baths, consisting of sodium, potassium, and magnesium, which get in through the pores of the skin, are also helpful.
11. Herbal remedies are also helpful: cell salts, Bach flower remedies, and homeopathic remedies.
12. Finally, since the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient shrinks, we have to rehydrate it with pure water, daily; it takes about six months to compensate for the shrinkage.”
Dr Phillip Hodes:
“In the case of dementia, my approach is to see whether there are some nutrients that the person may need. Some people have improved quite a bit on a program in which they received injectable B vitamins and magnesium. Some of these elderly people have difficulty absorbing vitamins and minerals simply because of long-term chronic deficiencies, so an injectable program becomes very, very helpful. One of the first things I do is give them a trial of some vitamins and minerals by injection and often that will be very helpful. In addition, I have been using EDTA chelation therapy because by using disodium EDTA with magnesium, we find that we’re able to reverse some of the aging processes by removing calcium from soft tissues, where it doesn’t belong, and trying to get it back into the bone, where it does belong. The chelation process, which is an intravenous treatment, will help with soft tissue decalcification, in addition to removing heavy metals. There is some research relating aluminum toxicity Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Krapper McCloughlin has done some work in Canada, and we have been doing some work recently too, with patients who suffer from dementia, using another chelating agent called Dephoroximine or Desphoral, which is primarily useful in removing iron and aluminum–and not calcium–from the body. Usually, dementia is a one-way street; people tend to get worse and worse. Using this chelation process, some patients have at least had their dementia process stopped. Some patients have even improved a little using a combination program of supplements, a good diet, and the removal of some of these heavy metals with chelating agents.”
—Dr Michael Schachter