Healthy Fats Quotes

Healthy Fats Quotes

Quotes about Healthy Fats


The history of the engineered adulteration of our once-clean food supply exactly parallels the rise of the epidemic of diabetes and hyperinsulinaemia now sweeping the United States as well as much of the rest of the world. Our Deadly Diabetes Deception by Thomas Smith

"Omega 3 deficiency symptoms: growth retardation, vision & learning problems, motor inco-ordination, weakness, tingling in arms & legs, behavioural changes. All except the first are symptoms used to diagnose MS."—Udo Erasmus, author Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill. (lecture).

"What she (Dr. Johanna Budwig) has demonstrated to my initial disbelief but lately, to my complete satisfaction in my practice is: CANCER IS EASILY CURABLE, the treatment is dietary/lifestyle, the response is immediate; the cancer cell is weak and vulnerable; the precise biochemical breakdown point was identified by her in 1951 and is specifically correctable, in vitro (test-tube) as well as in vivo (real)… " Dr. Dan C. Roehm M.D. FACP (Oncologist and former cardiologist) in 1990

"Cancer patients suffer from a faulty metabolism caused by a malfunction in the lipid defense system. By repairing the lipid defense system the cancer cannot survive. Of course common chemo and radiation causes further harm to the lipid defense system — the very system that protects you from cancer! The folks who will READILY ADMIT that they don't understand the cancer mechanism will tell you with their next breath that cancer can be killed with poisons. So can you. Would you trust your car to a so-called mechanic who didn't understand what makes a car work properly? If not, why would you let someone who doesn't understand cancer "fix" your body? The average cancer docs don't know — they admit it. That doesn't make them bad people, it just makes them unqualified to treat your condition if you have cancer. Don't let unqualified people poison you just because they don't know what else to do". William Kelley Eidem, author "The Doctor Who Cures Cancer (Dr Revici)

"I have the answer to cancer, but American doctors won't listen. They come here and observe my methods and are impressed. Then they want to make a special deal so they can take it home and make a lot of money. I won't do it, so I'm blackballed in every country."—Dr Budwig.

"Numerous, independent clinical studies published in major medical journals world wide confirm Dr. Budwig’s findings….Over 40 years ago Dr Budwig presented clear and convincing evidence, which has been confirmed by hundreds of other related scientific research papers since, that the essential fatty acids were at the core of the answer to the cancer problem…You will come to your own conclusions as to why this simple effective prevention and therapy has not only been ignored—it has been suppressed!"—Dr Willner, M.D., Ph.D. (The Cancer Solution).

"Nobody seemed to notice that a crime has been committed: It was the case of the missing nutrient. The nutrient was essential; it was a nutrient we human beings needed in order to stay healthy. It started to disappear from our diet about 75 years ago and now is almost gone. Only about 20% of the amount needed for human health and well-being remains. The nutrient is a fatty acid so important and so little understood that I call it "the nutritional missing link"….Food grade linseed oil & fish oil are the best sources of this special fat—Omega 3 essential fatty acid—which modern food destroys."—Donaldo. Rudin, M.D. (The Omega 3 Phenomenon)

In a 1994 study of 121 women with breast cancer, those in more advanced stages whose breast cancer had spread to their lymph nodes showed the lowest levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the breast tissue. After 31 months, the 20 women who had developed metastases had significantly lower levels of these EFAs (Essential fatty acids) than those who didn't. Another study out of Boston University using the same type of tissue profiles that were used in the breast cancer study demonstrated that patients with coronary artery disease likewise had, low levels of EFAs.

"The association between fats—meaning saturated, refined w6s (Omega 6), rancid fats, processed oils, and altered fats—and cancer, (but excluding w3s and fresh, natural, unrefined oils) has long been documented. (They) interfere with oxygen use in our cells. Heat, hydrogenation, light, and oxygen produce chemically altered fat products that are toxic to our cells….These fats kill people. Healing fats in cancer include…… w3s (Omega 3s), enhance oxygen use in cells, decrease tumour formation, slow tumour growth, decrease tumour formation, decrease the spread of cancer cells (metastasis), and extend the patient’s survival time. Unsaturated fatty acids in fresh, unheated oils are anti-mutagenic….W9, w6, w3 are all effective. Saturated fatty acids to not have this protective ability. Heating these oils above 150C makes them lose their protective power, and they become mutation-causing. ALL mass market oils except virgin olive oil have undergone heating during deodorization…When we use virgin olive oil or other unrefined oils for sauteeing, frying…we overheat them, destroying their protective, anti-mutagenic properties. ALL hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated products have also been overheated.."—Udo Erasmus (Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill).

"Our immune system, which is vital for destroying cancer cells, requires EFAs, vitamins C, B6, and A, and zinc to function, and requires an exceptionally rich nutrient supply of ALL essential nutrients for its high level of complex cellular activities. Deficiencies of EFAs and toxic, man-made synthetic drugs that intefere with essential fatty acid functions can create the conditions of fatty degeneration collectively known as cancer."–Erasmus

Dr Rudin believes the Omega 3 story parallels the story of Beriberi & Pellagra. It took them 200 years to accept pellagra was a nutrient deficiency.

"Compared to 100 years ago, Omega 3 is down 80%, B vitamins are estimated to be down to about 50% of the daily requirement. Vitamin B6 consumption may be low as it is removed in grain milling and not replaced. Vitamins B1, B2, B3 and E have also been lost in food processing. Minerals are depleted in a similar way. Fibre is down 75-80%. Antinutrients have increased substantially—saturated fat, 100%; cholestrol, 50%; refined sugar nearly 1000%; salt up to 500%; and funny fat isomers nearly 1,000%."—Dr Rudin.

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