If you are looking for a safe and effective exercise which will benefit your entire body, the health benefits of rebounding will amaze you. One of the most important benefits of rebounding every day is that of lymphatic drainage. Other health benefits of rebounding include: easy on your joints, provides exercise that affects every part of the body, is easy to do with minimal cost. Best of all – it’s fun and energizing.
Lymphatic System: Important to Good Health
Your body contains about five to six quarts of blood with the heart acting as a pump to keep the blood circulating. However, the lymphatic system is twice the size of our other circulatory system. Twice as much lymph as blood is present in our bodies, and we have twice as many lymph vessels as blood vessels. Amazingly, the lymphatic system has no central pump, but depends on muscle contraction and manual manipulation to move fluid. If the movement of the lymph stopped entirely, you would die in a matter of hours.
Your lymphatic system is like a metabolic dumpster for the body. Your 75 trillion cells are constantly casting off toxins and a wide variety of waste products. All that unwanted debris goes directly into the lymph system; but remember there is no pump as with the cardiovascular system, which is the main reason why daily exercise/movement is important to keeping the body healthy.
When the lymphatic system becomes sluggish (due to illness, surgery, toxic overload or lack of activity), lymph fluid begins to back up and the consequences can become serious. Stagnant lymph may be stored in the lymph nodes for a long period of time and eventually becomes too toxic for the body to handle well. A sluggish lymphatic system not only affects the building, repair and waste disposal systems, but the body’s defenses against foreign substances are also impaired. In addition to filtering out toxic materials, the lymph nodes also produce substances that fight off invading viruses and bacteria and destroy abnormal cells that develop within the body, such as cancer cells. In addition to being part of the body’s plumbing and repair system, the lymphatics are an essential part of our immune system.
Symptoms of Chronic Lymph Blockage may Include:
- heightened allergies and food sensitivities
- frequent cold and flu
- joint pain
- headaches and migraines
- menstrual cramps
- arthritis
- fibrocystic breasts
- breast tenderness
- sinusitis
- loss of appetite
- intestinal issues
- digestive issues
- muscle cramps
- tissue swelling
- fatigue
- mental fuzziness
- mood irregularities
- depression
- parasites
- skin breakouts
- acne
- cellulite
- lack of energy
- heaviness in the abdomen
The Importance of Keeping the Lymphatic System Moving
The four best things that get the lymph flowing: (1) Gravitational Pressure, (2) Internal massage to the valves of lymph ducts, (3) Muscular contraction from movement and exercise and (4) deep breathing exercises.When you don’t move (exercise), you are impairing your lymphatic system which, in turn can eventually have negative health effects on your health.
Rebounding is reported to increase lymph flow by 15 to 30 times. And an added benefit of rebounding is that bones become stronger with exercise. The motion that rebounding provides stimulates all internal organs, moves the cerebral-spinal fluid and the aqueous fluid within the eyes and does wonders for the digestive tract where at least 70% of your immune system resides.
Due to the dramatically increased G-forces that can be associated with rebounding, it has been shown to be an extremely potent method of “flushing” the Lymph Vascular System of toxicity. A 2008 article entitled Whole Body Detox (Part 1): Lymphatic Cleansing With Rebound Exercise states that, “It takes only two minutes of rebounding to flush the entire lymphatic system, while cleansing and strengthening cells and lymph nodes. A further benefit to the body is that during this brief time span the white blood cells of the immune system triple in number and remain elevated for an hour. These specialized cells play a major role in the body’s defense against illness and disease. For one full hour their activity is increased as they perform their tasks of destroying and eliminating cancer cells and other toxins, expending themselves in the process. An hour after rebounding for two minutes the white blood cell count returns to normal.”
According to James White, Ph.D., director of research and rehabilitation in the physical education department at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD: “Rebounding allows the muscles to go through the full range of motion at equal force. It helps people learn to shift their weight properly and to be aware of body positions and balance. When you jump, jog, and twist on this [jumping] device, you can exercise for hours without getting tired. It’s great practice for skiing, it improves your tennis stroke, and it’s a good way to burn off calories and lose weight.”
Rebounding is also an excellent exercise for senior citizens, those physically handicapped, those who are recuperating from an accident or injury, or anyone else who needs exercise but is hampered by a preexisting physical condition. And the good news is all you have to do is bounce either standing up or even sitting down on the rebounder. There is no need for jumping high, performing acrobatic moves or jumping for long periods of time in order to experience the many health benefits of rebounding.
“The minitrampoline [rebounder] provides a convenient form of exercise with a major advantage being
its apparent low level of trauma to the musculoskeletal system.”
–Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
“The findings indicate that exercise on a miniature trampoline may provide a safe, adequate
indoor exercise for normal and many cardiac patients of varied ages…”
–Journal of Medical Science for Sport and Exercise
“… the magnitude of the biomechanical stimuli is greater with jumping on a trampoline than
with running, a finding that might help identify acceleration parameter needed for the design of remedial
procedures to avert deconditioning in persons exposed to weightlessness.”
–N.A.S.A. report, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology
“Rebounding strengthens every organ in the body. Please take the time to pursue this
life-enhancing form of exercise.”
– Anthony Robbins
Rebounding – My Personal Experience and Advice
I was first introduced to rebounding when I was healing from stage 3 colon cancer. Because I had gone through a couple of surgeries as well as one month of horrific chemo, my body was weak. However, I needed something for exercise that was easy on the body and effective in keeping my lymph moving. I bought a rebounder and started out very slowly. Every day I would rebound for 3.5 minutes in the morning and 3.5 minutes in the evening. All I did was bounce gently and my feet never left the rebounder. I never did any running, fancy tricks or other contortions. After several months, I had built my time on the rebounder up to 30 minutes and then went on to build up to one hour every day. By the way, for those who may have balance concerns, a railing to hook on the rebounder can be purchased to hold on while rebounding.
More good news is that rebounders can be purchased at Walmart and similar stores for under $100. I actually paid $25 for mine, but that was in 2001. To this very day, that “cheap rebounder” works fine. Of course the more expensive ones are very nice, but don’t let hype-marketing make you believe you must have the top of the line to begin your rebounding exercise program or to experience success. I will say that the rebounders that use bungee chord instead of springs seem to be the best.
The most important thing is to begin and to begin slowly. Just three minutes two times daily is a good starting point for those who are beginning a rebounder exercise program. Add one or two minutes each week. And as I found out…in the beginning, your feet do not have to leave the rebounder – just bounce and your body will get great benefits.
The following are some of the many health benefits one may experience from daily rebounding.
31 Amazing Health Benefits of Rebounding
- increases capacity for respiration
- establishes a better equilibrium
- supports cardiovascular system
- aids lymphatic drainage
- strengthens muscles
- lowers elevated cholesterol & triglycerides
- promotes body growth & repair
- adds to the alkaline reserve of the body
- reserves body strength & physical efficiency
- improves coordination
- relief from neck and back pains, headaches & other pain caused by lack of exercise
- allows for better & easier relaxation & sleep
- helps improve balance
- circulates oxygen to the tissues
- boosts immune system
- lessens the time during which blood pressure remains abnormal after severe activity
- encourages collateral circulation
- stimulates metabolism
- tones up the glandular system
- expands body’s capacity for fuel storage & endurance
- reduces cellulite
- enhances digestion & elimination processes
- lessens menstrual discomfort for women
- anti-aging benefits
- helps slow down degenerative arthritis
- results in better mental performance
- strengthens the musculoskeletal systems
- improves muscle-to-fat ratio
- promotes tissue repair
- may support healthy thyroid & adrenals
- costs far less than a gym membership
Because rebounding is such an effective exercise, it can reduce body fat; firm arms, legs, thighs, abdomen, and hips; increase your agility; strengthen your muscles overall; provide an aerobic effect for your cardiopulmonary systems; rejuvenate your body when it’s tired, and generally put you in a state of mental and physical wellness.
In my opinion, rebounding is the best exercise one can do without putting added stress on joints. Whether you are 20 or 70, rebounding is a very effective addition to your overall wellness program.
Caution: As always, please check with your healthcare practitioner before beginning any exercise program. They know your health history and can advise you of any concerns you may need to consider.
References and Resources
Well Being Journal, Vol. 17, No. 3.
N.A.S.A., Journal of Applied Physiology 49(5): 881-887, 1980.
Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 1990: 10; 401-408.
Journal of Medical Science for Sport and Exercise, 1980; 12:118.
C. Guyton, M.D., and John E. Hall, Ph.D., Textbook of Medical Physiology, Ninth Edition.
†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Oasis Advanced Wellness/OAWHealth does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Oasis Advanced Wellness/OAWHealth are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician of choice.