I absolutely love the seasons of late spring and summer when long days allow us to enjoy spending leisure hours relaxing in our backyard. However, living in Texas, and I suspect many other states have this same issue, the question becomes how to successfully fight off those pesky, blood-sucking mosquitoes and enjoy being out in nature? Most mosquito remedies are futile – meaning that usually, the mosquitoes win. Bug repellents can be toxic, messy, and a hassle to use — even the non-toxic ones — and not everyone owns a firepit or wants to sit around heat and smoke during the hot summer. So I’m going to share with you how to eliminate pesky mosquitoes with dragonflies!
Did I say dragonflies? Yes…I did.
How to Eliminate Pesky Mosquitoes With Dragonflies
Dragonflies are heavy-bodied, strong-flying insects that are gorgeous to look at. Better yet, they have the ability to eat hundreds of mosquitoes a day. Let me say that again – HUNDREDS OF MOSQUITOES PER DAY! Not only do they eat adult mosquitoes, but dragonflies like to consume mosquito larvae. And it’s not only full-grown adult dragonflies. The dragonfly larvae also consume mosquitoes, making them a double threat.
Trying to stay a step ahead of my readers, I imagine the question going through everyone’s mind – How do you attract dragonflies? Easy. You plant specific plants around your yard or deck. These plants not only do their part to attack dragonflies, but they also add beauty and a sense of calm to your yard. You can plant them directly in the ground or beautiful pots so that you can move the plants around if needed.
What Plants Attract Dragonflies and Eliminate Mosquitoes?
Black-Eyed Susan
If you like a low-maintenance garden or yard like my husband, Black-Eyed Susan is an ideal plant that will help fight against those pesky mosquitoes and attack dragonflies. This radiant plant can survive in almost any soil type and only requires sunlight and to be watered regularly to bloom.
Arrowhead, also called duck-potato, is an aquatic perennial that can grow to a height of three feet. The leaves are shaped like arrowheads with tiny white flowers growing from the top of the stem, and the flowers have beautiful petals. Dragonflies love using this marsh plant to gather and lay eggs.
Meadow Sage
This perennial is usually called ‘Blue Hill’ meadow sage for the hue it tints the area around where it’s planted — though it really looks more purple. Meadow Sage is fairly easy to grow with sunlight, a bit of shade, and not much water. It is great for dry areas since it can go for long periods of time without water.
Yarrow White Wildflower
Yarrows are often used for medicinal purposes both in the past and present. And it is a great plant to attract dragonflies. It must have lots of sunlight and soil that are not too moist or rich for it to thrive.
One More Suggestion – Water Source for Dragonflies
Better Homes and Garden reports that a water source pretty much ensures that dragonflies get a steady source of mosquitoes and gnats to eat, but there are other types of insects they like to eat, too. They can also eat moths, butterflies, and bees when they are large enough. Planting some vegetation around the water source and nearby trees gives adult dragonflies a place to perch, roost, and seek shelter.
You can also place some flat rocks around your garden area or water source, maybe as a border or just in random areas – whatever looks best. These flat rocks make the ideal places for dragonflies to sun themselves and rest for a bit.
The next time you happen to catch a glimpse of one of these amazing and beautiful insects gliding around your yard, you can be thankful for all the hard work it does for you by enjoying a meal of those pesky, blood-sucking mosquitoes.