Zero Deaths from Vitamins in 2013

January 14th, 2015 by Loretta Lanphier, NP, BCTN, CN, CH, HHP

Zero Deaths from Vitamins in 2013

According to a recent report there were zero deaths whatsoever from vitamins in the year 2013. This information comes from the 31st annual report from the American Association of Poison Control Centers which indicates zero deaths from multiple vitamins. There were also also zero deaths from vitamin A, niacin, vitamin B-6, any other B-vitamin, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, or any vitamin at all.

Zero Deaths from Vitamins in 2013

Have your heard about there being zero deaths from vitamins in 2013 from any news channel or have you read it in any newspaper? Probably not and probably won’t. Yet we are constantly being told about dangers of vitamins and supplements. Even the FDA treats vitamins and supplements like they are unsafe drugs and even require similar regulations.  According to Dr. Joe Mercola: “Drugs are known to cause well over 125,000 deaths per year when taken correctly as prescribed – yet the FDA allows “fast-track” approvals and countless new additions to the marketplace. So why are dietary supplements on the chopping block?”

Over half of the U.S. population takes daily nutritional supplements. If each of those people took only one single tablet daily, that makes about 170,000,000 individual doses per day, for a total of well over 60 billion doses annually. Since many people take far more than just one single vitamin tablet, actual consumption is considerably higher, and the safety of vitamin supplements is all the more remarkable.

This certainly underlines the fact that 31 years of supplement safety is once again confirmed by America’s largest database.

Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, said over and over: “No one dies from vitamins.” Apparently he is being proven absolutely correct – over and over.

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Mowry JB, Spyker DA, Cantilena LR Jr, McMillan N, Ford M. 2013 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System (NPDS): 31st Annual Report. Clinical Toxicology (2014), 52, p 1032-1283. Free full text download at ISSN: 1556-3650 print / 1556-9519 online. DOI: 10.3109/15563650.2014.987397.

Vitamin data discussed above can be found at the very end of the report, on pages 1254-1256, Table 22B.

Loretta Lanphier is a Naturopathic Practitioner (Traditional), Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Clinical Herbalist as well as the CEO / Founder of Oasis Advanced Wellness in The Woodlands TX. She has studied and performed extensive research in health science, natural hormone balancing, anti-aging techniques, nutrition, natural medicine, weight loss, herbal remedies, non-toxic cancer support and is actively involved in researching new natural health protocols and products.  A 14 year stage 3 colon cancer survivor, Loretta is able to relate to both-sides-of-the-health-coin as patient and practitioner when it comes to health and wellness. “My passion is counseling others about what it takes to keep the whole body healthy using natural and non-toxic methods.” Read Loretta’s health testimony Cancer: The Path to Healing. Loretta is Contributor and Editor of the worldwide E-newsletter Advanced Health & Wellness. Check out Oasis Advanced Wellness and our natural skin care site Oasis Serene Botanicals.

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