Best Natural Skincare Quotes

April 23rd, 2019 by Loretta Lanphier, NP, BCTN, CN, CH, HHP

Best Natural Skincare Quotes

Your skin is your body’s largest organ and acts as a protective barrier. Nonetheless, it doesn’t mean it’s impervious or impenetrable. It’s vital to be well-informed of what you’re putting on your skin, especially since toxic ingredients in skincare products can get into your body — precisely where you don’t want them. Potential irritants can come into contact with your skin through chemical-laden personal care products, fragrances, treated local water supply, deodorants, shampoos, and soaps — the list goes on and on. Implementing an organic skincare routine using natural skincare products made with botanicals and non-toxic ingredients can encourage your skin to look and become healthier. Using non-toxic skincare products can also drastically lower your overall exposure to harmful and dangerous ingredients. Let’s look at some of the best natural skincare quotes from natural health experts who understand the importance of using non-toxic skincare products.

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Best Natural Skincare Quotes From the Experts

“Your skin is the fingerprint of what is going on inside your body, and all skin conditions, from psoriasis to acne to aging, are the manifestations of your body’s internal needs, including its nutritional needs.”
Dr. Georgiana Donadio, founder of the National Institute of Whole Health

“What is your skin trying to tell you? Often the skin is a metaphor for deeper issues and a way for your body to send up a red flag to warn you that all is not well underneath. When our skin is unhealthy it is usually a reflection of the internal state of our bodies and is often a sign of poor elimination of toxins and waste products.”
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman N.D.

“There’s more to avocado than guacamole. Its oil is actually patented as a treatment for some forms of dermatitis and arthritis. According to Aubrey Hampton, author of Natural Organic Hair and Skin Care, long-term treatment with avocado oil helps relieve eczema. I’m not surprised, as avocado oil is rich in vitamins A, D, and E, all of which help maintain healthy skin. I suggest applying it directly to any itchy, red, or irritated areas.”
James A. Duke, Ph.D.The Green Pharmacy: New Discoveries in Herbal Remedies for Common Diseases and Conditions from the World’s Foremost Authority on Healing Herbs.

“Personal care products expose children to an average of 60 chemicals every day that they can breathe in or absorb through their skin.”
The Environmental Working Group (EWG)

“Fluoride disrupts the connective tissue, causing excessive cross-linking, cysts, and premature aging of the skin!
Dr. Gerard F. Judd Ph.D

“Most of us are embarrassed by skin problems such as rashes, boils, or acne, especially in places where others can see our imperfections. The skin is the body’s first line of defense against the environment. It has to deal with the effects of weather, sun, cold, heat, dryness, humidity, scrapes, bumps, soaps, detergents, chemicals, perspiration, and dirt of all kinds. It is a wonder that our skin stays healthy most of the time! We can help our skin deal with this onslaught by optimizing our general health and by protecting our skin from harsh environmental exposure. Western medicine generally treats skin eruptions with either antibiotics, cortisone, or antifungal preparations. These medicines may alleviate the skin problem temporarily, or occasionally for good, but do not address the source of the problem. Putting a lid on skin symptoms without getting to the root of the imbalance may even result in suppression, which means the imbalance may be driven deeper causing more serious health problems later without ever strengthening the underlying vital force of the person. Fortunately, naturopathic medicine offers a wide variety of effective treatments for skin problems.”
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman N.D.

Natural Skin Care: By the Numbers – 4 pounds: Average amount of lipstick a woman will ingest over her lifetime. 11: Percentage of the 10,500 ingredients used in personal-care products that the U.S. government has documented and publicly assessed for safety. 1,110+: The number of ingredients banned in cosmetics in the European Union. 10: The number of ingredients banned in cosmetics in the United States. 600: The number of companies that have signed the Compact for Safe Cosmetics. 33: Percentage of personal-care products that contain at least one chemical linked to cancer. 22: Percentage of cosmetics contaminated with possible cancer-causing impurity 1,4-dioxane. $160 billion: Amount spent annually on skin- and hair-care, makeup, cosmetic surgery, fragrances, health clubs, and diet products.
Sources: Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, The Environmental Working Group, The Economist.

“Dietary manipulation and nutritional supplementation has been shown to be of clinical importance in the prevention and treatment of various skin conditions, including skin cancer, wound healing, atopic dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis, and acne. Eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and, to a lesser degree, acne are skin conditions that are highly responsive to nutritional management. Skin smoothness can be enhanced, as well, through specific dietary manipulation and supplementation with essential oils, B-vitamins, and antioxidants at established doses. Regarding nutrition and detoxification, research reveals that many skin conditions are aggravated by faulty detoxification mechanisms, excess toxicity, and compromised liver function. The liver is the main blood filtration plant to neutralize and eliminate toxins from the body. Conversely, a number of skin conditions have been shown to respond favorably when the body’s detoxification centers are supported through dietary manipulation and the appropriate use of supplements. Thus, nutritional support is a vital aspect of skin health and appearance, and optimizing detoxification is a primary target in the treatment of a variety of common skin conditions. Although enhancing detoxification is not the only role of nutritional management for skin conditions, it is an often overlooked area of intervention.
Dr. James Meschino, DC

“There are numerous health problems associated with EFA deficiencies. These include hair loss, eczema-like skin eruptions, susceptibility to infections, arthritis-like conditions, liver or kidney degeneration, growth retardation, and vision or learning problems.”
Leo Galland, M.D.

“A lack of essential fatty acids (EFAs) in our diet is the most important factor in our nutritional program for healthy, radiant skin. Most of us either don’t eat enough good fats (Omega 3 & 6 Essential fatty acids) in our diet or we eat too much of the wrong fats. The result of this is an imbalance of EFAs and the signs are easy to read: dry skin, dandruff, acne, rough scaly skin. Dry skin is very common in this age of “fat phobia”. Most people buy creams and lotions to overcome dry skin that hides the problem but never fixes it. Thankfully there is a solution for dry skin and that is to add plenty of healing Omega 3 fats to your diet, which will moisturize your skin from the inside out. Omega 3’s make the skin more supple and silky so flaky, scaly, rough itchy skin can be improved by increasing your intake of Omega 3’s.
Dr. Udo Erasmus

“Avoid polyunsaturated oils and eat plenty of saturated fats. Consumption of vegetable oils is associated with wrinkles while saturated animal fats and coconut oil help prevent wrinkles. Expose your skin to moderate amounts of natural sunlight or UV-B radiation from a Sperti sunlamp. Avoid stimulants such as coffee, tea, and sugar. Never wash your face with soap. Avoid most face creams.
Lori Lipinski

“If you want sweeter-looking skin, sidestep the sugar. Sugar and highly refined carbohydrates, including white bread, white rice, French fries, and sugar-laded soda, can increase acne and speed aging by causing glycation–the result of sugar breaking down and bonding with protein molecules-which reduces the elasticity of collagen in your skin.
Leslie Baumann, M.D.
, Professor of Dermatology at the University of Miami

Excellae Age Defence Cream banner“One reason the polyunsaturates cause so many health problems is that they tend to become oxidized or rancid when subjected to heat, oxygen, and moisture as in cooking and processing. Rancid oils are characterized by free radicals—that is, single atoms or clusters with an unpaired electron in an outer orbit. These compounds are extremely reactive chemically. They have been characterized as “marauders” in the body for they attack cell membranes and red blood cells and cause damage in DNA/RNA strands, thus triggering mutations in tissue, blood vessels, and skin. Free radical damage to the skin causes wrinkles and premature aging; free radical damage to the tissues and organs sets the stage for tumors; free radical damage in the blood vessels initiates the buildup of plaque. Is it any wonder that tests and studies have repeatedly shown a high correlation between cancer and heart disease with the consumption of polyunsaturates? 32 New evidence links exposure to free radicals with premature aging, with autoimmune diseases such as arthritis and with Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and cataracts. Vegetable oils are more toxic when heated. One study reported that polyunsaturates turn to varnish in the intestines. A study by a plastic surgeon found that women who consumed mostly vegetable oils had far more wrinkles than those who used traditional animal fats. A 1994 study appearing in the Lancet showed that almost three-quarters of the fat in artery clogs is unsaturated.
Mary Enig, PhD

“If you want healthy and younger-looking skin, do the following every day: include at least two tablespoons of healthy oils in your diet (flaxseed, coconut, hemp seed); drink 1/2 your body weight in purified water every day; drink freshly made vegetable juice two times daily (include 1/4 of an organic beet); use a rebounder every day (7.5 minutes is all you need); eliminate stress and negative emotions; keep your liver clean and supported (this is especially important); take an organic multi-vitamin/mineral supplement; get at least 30 minutes of sunlight; eliminate fast food and soda; don’t smoke; get at least eight hours of restful sleep; use natural skincare products that do not include toxic chemicals; exfoliate and oxygenate your skin 2-3 times weekly.” 
Loretta Lanphier, NP, BCTN CN, CH, Purely Ageless Skincare 

“Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow. This depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients, such as vitamin A, that are important to skin health. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin — fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking — such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke — may contribute to wrinkles.
The Mayo Clinic

“Diet and nutritional supplements: Regular consumption of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, in whole form or juiced, along with legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, and little or no refined, over-processed foods, fat, sugar, and caffeine will help your skin to stay young and healthy. Pay attention, particularly in the case of hives and rashes, to any foods to which you may be oversensitive. The nutritional supplements that are most beneficial to the skin are Vitamin A (we recommend it in the form of Beta carotene, which is non-toxic, since prolonged use of over 50,000 I.U. of Vitamin A can result in hair loss, skin dryness, and other symptoms of toxicity), Zinc, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C. We suggest these in combination with a mega multi vitamin and mineral containing 25-50 mg of the B vitamins but use higher amount with some skin conditions. Essential fatty acids such as linoleic and linolenic acid are necessary to keep the skin soft and pliable. PABA, often found in sun tan products, helps prevent against damage from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.”
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman N.D.

“Did you know that putting chemicals on your skin can be far worse than ingesting them? This is in large part because when you eat something the enzymes in your saliva and stomach help break it down and flush it out of your body. When the chemical cocktail is delivered into your bloodstream via your skin, however, it bypasses this built-in protective filtration process, so you have decreased protection against the toxins.”
Dr. Joseph Mercola

“Your skin is a reflection of how well your body is eliminating the toxins that build up on a daily basis. Chronic skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis stem from a combination of genetic factors, immune stress, dietary deficiencies or sensitivities, and the accumulation of toxins in the body. For our skin to be radiant and clear, it is very important that the other organs of elimination (kidneys, liver, lungs, and colon) are cleansing the body effectively. If not, the skin will be overtaxed, pores will become clogged, and eruptions of one sort or another will result.
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman N.D.

“Women who use make-up on a daily basis can absorb almost 5 pounds of chemicals into their bodies each year. Nine out of ten women also use out-of-date lipstick and mascara, which can be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Many women use more than 20 different beauty products a day. The effects of these multiple combinations of chemicals are largely unknown.” June 22, 2007

“The measures to prevent and heal acne include diet, hygiene, nutritional supplements, and medicines. Maintain a consistent preventive and treatment program and acne will resolve. Natural treatments have no side effects.
Dr. Randall Neustaedter OMD

“Every function inside the body is regulated by and depends on water. Water must be available to carry vital elements, oxygen, hormones, and chemical messengers to all parts of the body. Without sufficient water to wet all parts equally, some more remote parts of the body will not receive the vital elements that water supplies. Water is also needed to carry toxic waste away from the cells. In fact, there are at least 50 reasons why the body needs sufficient water on a regular, everyday basis. Without sufficient water to constantly wet all parts, your body’s drought-management system kicks into action. The histamine-directed chemical messenger systems are activated to arrange a new, lower quota of water for the drought-stricken areas. When histamine and its subordinate “drought managers” come across pain-sensing nerves, they cause pain. This is what I discovered in my research that I mentioned earlier.
F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

“It is very clear that women seem to be predisposed to far more autoimmune disorders than men. Other problems like thyroid disease and fibromyalgia are also far more common in women. Perhaps one of the major contributing factors is the fact that women tend to use cosmetics and men don’t.
Dr. Joseph Mercola

“It’s not just what substances you put on your skin. Inappropriate inflammation is rooted in diet, how you handle stress, how you rest and your exposure to environmental toxins.
Dr. Andrew Weil

And Don’t Forget…

It’s crucial to take good care of your skin. Using non-toxic skin care products is a great start. However, an effective natural skincare program should also include taking care of the inside of your body by implementing such things as a plant-based diet, exercise, detoxification/cleansing, and organic supplements. The adage “what you put on the inside of your body, you wear on the outside” rings true. Does your inside match your outside?

Experiencing radiant-looking skin is an ongoing process, not a destination. Depending on your starting point, it may take days or even months to really see and experience all the amazing results from implementing an organic skincare routine along side of a healthy lifestyle. Do your research on different natural skincare products, be religious with your use of the natural skincare products, implement some suggestions from the best natural skincare quotes given in this article and allow your new skincare routine some time to work.


Brody, J.G., et al. “Endocrine Disruptors and Asthma-Associated Chemicals in Consumer Products.” Environmental Health Perspectives. 120 (7).

Braun, J., et al. “Personal care product use and urinary phthalate metabolite and paraben concentrations during pregnancy among women from a fertility clinic.” Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 24.

Fowler, J.F., et al. “Innovations in natural ingredients and their use in skin care.” Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 9 (6 Suppl.).

Bowe, W. P. & Pugliese, S. “Cosmetic benefits of natural ingredients.” Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 13 (9).

U.S. Food & Drug Administration. “FDA Recall Policy for Cosmetics.”

U.S. Food & Drug Administration. “FDA Authority Over Cosmetics.”

Loretta Lanphier is a Naturopath Practitioner, Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Clinical Herbalist as well as the CEO / Founder of Oasis Advanced Wellness in The Woodlands TX. She studies and performs extensive research in health science, natural hormone balancing, anti-aging skincare and techniques, nutrition, natural medicine, weight loss, herbal remedies, non-toxic cancer support and is actively involved in researching new natural health protocols and products. A 20-year stage 3 colon cancer survivor, Loretta is able to relate to both-sides-of-the-health-coin as patient and practitioner when it comes to health and wellness. “My passion is counseling others about what it takes to keep the whole body healthy using natural and non-toxic methods.” Read Loretta’s health testimony Cancer: The Path to Healing. Loretta is Contributor and Editor of the worldwide E-newsletter Advanced Health & Wellness.

†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Oasis Advanced Wellness/OAWHealth does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Oasis Advanced Wellness/OAWHealth are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician of choice.

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