How To Have a Sleep Friendly Bedroom

September 12th, 2019 by Loretta Lanphier, NP, BCTN, CN, CH, HHP

How To Have a Sleep Friendly Bedroom

When speaking with clients about the importance of getting restful sleep, I have found that the last thing most people think about is the importance of having a healthy and sleep-friendly bedroom. Given that most people sleep in their bedroom for eight hours every day, the average person will sleep for 229,961 hours in their lifetime, or basically one-third of their life. That’s a long time to be in one room! It just makes sense that we should want the one place in which we spend one-third of our life to be a healthy, sleep-friendly sanctuary of-sort – conducive to restful sleep and mindful that sleep is the time and place the body does the most healing and repair work.

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12 Effective Tips for a Sleep-Friendly Bedroom

Below is a list of the 12 most effective tips I believe are necessary for a healthy and sleep-friendly bedroom.

Eliminate Clutter

A sleep-friendly bedroom is free of clutter. Clutter represents disorganization and collects dust and allergens. Too much clutter can also have a negative effect on one’s emotional state, which can cause stress and anxiety and thus, lead to disruption of sleep. On, Julie Pennell states: “A 2015 sleep study found that people who doze in cluttered rooms and are at high risk for developing hoarding disorder are more likely to have sleeping problems. This includes having trouble falling asleep at night and experiencing rest disturbances.” On the other hand, a tidy room promotes calmness, peace, and clarity, which contributes to a sleep-friendly bedroom.

Clean & Fresh air

Clean air is essential if you want a sleep-friendly bedroom. Consider adding a couple of sansevieria plants (also called snake plants) to your bedroom. Sansevieria is a plant that transforms carbon dioxide into oxygen overnight. I highly recommend adding a quality air purifier that continually cleans the air. Another good idea for keeping the air quality clean and fresh is to thoroughly vacuum your bedroom at least every other day and dust furniture and blinds weekly using chemical-free “green” products.

Electro-Magnetic (EMF) Pollution Free

Studies show that electromagnetic fields (EMF) from televisions, computers, wireless devices, and even exercise machines can interfere with brain and nervous system signals, impede the production of melatonin, and affect the body’s circadian rhythm, disrupting restful sleep. Himalayan salt lamps have a very relaxing warm orange light and can help neutralize electromagnetic radiation. Many new smart meters, used to replace a home’s analog electricity meter, are placed directly outside the main bedroom or living area. Smart meters are proving to have very negative health effects on many people. Consider purchasing electromagnetic protection for your bedroom and home—power all electronics down at least two hours before bedtime. Something as simple as turning off WiFi when not in use can lesson EMFs significantly. Do your research. Do not sleep with your laptop, Ipad, or cell phone on your bed. In fact, when sleeping, it’s a good idea to remove them from your bedroom.

Organic Mattress, Pillows & Bedding

Media and advertising tell us that cotton bedding is safer and much better than synthetics. According to the Pesticide Action Network (PANNA), it’s essential to know that nearly $2.6 billion of pesticides are sprayed on cotton fields yearly, accounting for more than 10% of total pesticide use and almost 25% of insecticide use worldwide. As finances allow, begin to replace bedding with all-organic materials. Conventional mattresses are also sprayed with flame retardant as well as stain-resistant chemicals. Many mattresses are made of foam that can out-gas for years. Also, wherever you shop, be aware of greenwashing. Greenwashing is defined as disinformation disseminated by an organization to present an environmentally responsible public image. If finances are tight, consider an organic barrier cloth that encases your entire mattress and foundation. You can also clean your mattress every two months by sprinkling the mattress with baking soda. Wait 15 minutes, and then use a hand-held vacuum (it needs to be powerful) to suck up dust mites, dead skin cells, allergens, and bacteria.

Fresh Smelling Room

It is proven that scent affects our mood, and smell is our most acute sense. Using aromatherapy (diffusing essential oils) in the bedroom can help produce restful sleep, making a more sleep-friendly bedroom—diffuse lavender essential oil in your bedroom an hour before bedtime. Placing a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow can help relax your mind and body. Researchers report that scents like lavender and vanilla are the most effective aromas for sleep. Consider the following scents: Lemon – for cleaning and disinfecting; Mint – for refreshing; Cinnamon – for stimulating; Lavender, Vanilla & Jasmine – for relaxation; Rose – the creation of a romantic space; Eucalyptus – for improving respiratory concerns; Citrus (lemon, orange, mandarin) – for improving moods and fighting depression.

Studies show excess light in the bedroom can affect your sleep quality by disrupting the body’s natural circadian rhythm.

Dark Room

Studies show excess light in the bedroom can affect your sleep quality by disrupting the body’s natural circadian rhythm. According to surveys, 66% of Americans admit to sleeping with their phone in their bedroom at night. (The actual number is probably higher since people often don’t admit to things they know are harmful on surveys.) Why is this a concern? Studies consistently link light exposure during sleep to metabolic disruption. A new study,, published in the journal Sleep agrees with this research. The study found that older adults (between 63 and 84 years of age) exposed to any amount of light during sleep were at higher risk for obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Remove illuminated digital clocks from your bedroom. Focusing on time can result in anxiety and stress, which disturbs restful sleep. As indicated previously, turn off and unplug computers, tablets, night lights, etc., at least two hours before bedtime. The more artificial light you can remove from your bedroom, the better rest you’ll get.

Sleep Friendly Bedroom

Cool Temps

Your body temperature naturally drops as you drift into sleep, so cooling down your bedroom can jump-start the process and make it easier to doze off. Most experts advise setting your thermostat at least 5 to 10 degrees lower than your average daytime temperature. A National Institutes of Health study suggests that sleeping in a colder room can also have some calorie-burning health benefits.

A Quite Room

Bedroom surroundings should be quiet and calm. There should not be any disturbance from outside noise. If you live in a city with lots of nighttime noise, consider using a white noise machine or fan to block outside noise. If the noise is too loud, use double-pane windows or heavy curtains to block the sound.

Calm Room

Get rid of anything stimulating that distracts from the room’s primary purposes: sleep and sex. That means no treadmill, television, or computer and no reminders of anything stressful such as a desk full of bills. Adding personal mementos, calming color schemes, and soothing sights and sounds such as a small water fountain can help to make your bedroom relaxing and calm.

Excellae Age Defence Cream bannerEliminate VOC paint

VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are unstable, carbon-containing compounds that readily vaporize into the air. When they enter the air, they react with other elements, which causes air pollution and a host of health issues, including respiratory concerns, headaches, burning, watery eyes, and even nausea. Many people are allergic to the paint in their bedroom and have no idea it’s the paint causing the allergies. If possible, repaint your room with VOC-free paint.

An unmade bed is a very noticeable form of clutter which often reflects the difficulties and disorganization in one’s life!

Make your bed every day

Yes, you read that correctly — make your bed every day. An unmade bed is a noticeable form of clutter that often reflects the difficulties and disorganization in one’s life. Making your bed also provides closure to the act of sleeping and lets you transition to the rest of your day. Don’t believe this? A 2011 survey by the National Sleep Foundation found that bed-makers were 19% more likely to report getting a good night’s sleep. There’s just something about climbing into a bed that has been previously made – it’s like opening a beautifully wrapped gift.

Wash sheets and blankets weekly

If you don’t already, it’s time to prioritize it. When you keep your bedding clean, you are fighting germs, bed bugs, and allergens and prolonging the life of your sheets and blankets. Wash them in hot, soapy water and dry completely in your dryer using a medium or low setting. Consider cleaning your comforter or bedspread in a commercial washer and dryer. Wash your comforter or bedspread in cold water and dry it on low heat. Or, hang it on a clothesline and let it air dry. It’s also imperative to wash your pillows and curtains at least twice a year. Pillows harbor mold, fungus, yeast, and bacteria, which can cause diarrhea, asthma, bronchitis, and other health issues. Curtains harbor dust and sometimes mold. If you have never washed your pillow, consider throwing it away and getting a new one. For more information on the dangers of fungus, see The Relationship of Fungus to Sinus Infections.

Points to Remember

Getting enough sleep is essential to your physical and mental health. Getting sufficient rest helps your metabolism, immune system, mood, and even your brain health.

If you have a difficult time sleeping, try the following: make sure your bedroom is conducive to restful sleep, go to bed early enough to ensure you actually have the time necessary for a full night’s rest, turn off all electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime, and keep your bedroom clean, cool, dark and quiet. Supplements such as melatonin, magnesium, organic hemp extract, valerian, or a good prebiotic and probiotic formula can enhance your sleep.

References & Research

101 Tips For Getting Healthy Sleep

Indoor Air Facts No. 4 Sick Building Syndrome (PDF)

P. Strøm‐Tejsen, D. Zukowska, P. Wargocki, D. P. Wyon. The effects of bedroom air quality on sleep and next‐day performance. 09 October 2015.

Namni Goel PhD, Hyungsoo Kim & Raymund P. Lao (2005). An Olfactory Stimulus Modifies Nighttime Sleep in Young Men and Women, Chronobiology International, 22:5, 889-904, DOI: 10.1080/07420520500263276.
Loretta Lanphier is a NaturopathPractitioner, Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Practitioner, and Certified Clinical Herbalist as well as the CEO / Founder of Oasis Advanced Wellness in The Woodlands TX. She studies and performs extensive research in health science, natural hormone balancing, anti-aging techniques, nutrition, natural medicine, weight loss, herbal remedies, and non-toxic cancer support, and is actively involved in researching new natural health protocols and products. A 22-year stage 3 colon cancer survivor, Loretta is able to relate to both sides of the health coin as a patient and practitioner when it comes to health and wellness. “My passion is counseling others about what it takes to keep the whole body healthy using natural and non-toxic methods.” Read Loretta’s health testimony Cancer: The Path to Healing. Loretta is a Contributor and Editor of the worldwide E-newsletter Advanced Health & Wellness
†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Oasis Advanced Wellness/OAWHealth does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Oasis Advanced Wellness/OAWHealth are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician of choice.
















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